Body Party pt.3

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So, this is kinda short but I needed to end this chapter so I could move on with the story. Enjoy! -Rae<3




"Why do you have an attitude right now?"

"Because I don't appreciate being gawked at like a freaking art exhibit." she said, her eyes peering into mine.

"You are a work of art though, Hanna..." I trailed off, watching her intently. Her eyes never left mine as a look quickly passed over them that I could almost mistake for shock.

But it was gone as quick as it came.

She was a beautiful girl, and a damn beautiful one at that. She had to know guys would be staring at her. After all, why would she have even gone through the trouble of changing her appearance if it wasn't for the purpose of looking good? Not that she wasn't already a cute girl, but now she looked like something straight out of a magazine. Still, I decided to just apologize so that we could move forward with the conversation.

"Okay, I'm sorry. It just caught me off guard, that's all." I admitted, hoping she would let it go.

"Well it wasn't very hard. You were busy playing tongue tag with the lovely young lady who is currently giving Jason the grinding of his life." she said, looking past me. I turned my head and spotted Jason and the girl I was with earlier, on the dance floor, grinding on each other like no one was watching. I shook my head, not in disappointment though. Now I could focus my attention on Hanna, uninterrupted. I turned back to her, looking into her eyes as a smile settled on my lips.

"Well... I had to kill time until you got here, somehow." I said. She rolled her eyes at my reply.

"Are all guys full of cheesy one-liners or just the ones I talk to?" she said, more to herself than to me.

"Guys? As in plural? Does that mean Ms. Warren has hoes?" I said in fake shock.

"No, I don't... not that it's any of your business. I, unlike you, don't fuck everything that moves, Mr. Community Dick.." she said, making me chuckle.

"I've never heard that one before. That's a new one." I replied, smirking at her. She was amusing to say the least. 

"Oh? Well here's another one for you. I'm surprised your dick hasn't fallen off. " she said, looking at me in disgust.

"Ooo, thinking of my dick, are we? Tell me... do I turn you on, Ms. Warren?" I said, grasping a lock of her hair. Her usual frizzy curls were now straightened and smooth as silk as I combed through them with my fingers. She glanced down at my hand before smacking it away from her.

"Nope, sorry. I don't go weak in the knees every time you glance in my direction. I'm not one of your little groupies." she said, smirking to herself.

"But I don't have groupies... I have girlfriends." I corrected her. Yeah, I'd fucked a lot of girls. But a large majority of them were technically my girlfriend at the time. It wasn't my fault that the relationships didn't really last very long. Well... technically, it was... but I had my reasons. The longest relationship I had ever been in was was with Jasmine and that only lasted a few months. But me and Jas have never.... well you know.

"Groupies, girlfriends, whatever floats your boat. I am not and will never be one of them." she said. I remained silent, watching her. I'll admit, that wasn't exactly something I liked to hear. I was only teasing her but it was now evident that I'd never even crossed her mind before today. At least not in that way. But I guess all the signs were there. I'd been flirting with her rather blatantly and she still had yet to return the favor. Was she not attracted me? I mean, that's never been the case before, I was like a walking pussy magnet. It was always pretty safe to assume that whatever girl I wanted, I could get. But then again Hanna was... different. That much was made clear within this brief conversation we'd been having.

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