Chapter 11

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~America's P.O.V~
Russia has been acting sluggish and sad lately. I'm honestly worried for him. He won't say anything to anyone anymore. I see no light in his violet eyes. Did I make him think too much? Is this my fault? If so, what can I do? I'm scared to get back together with him. I should tell him that, but he'll probably say he won't hurt me again. I'm scared of being hurt again. How can I trust someone who's hurt me? How?

I walk into Ivan's house. The atmosphere oddly feels heavy. There is no happy atmosphere. No warm atmosphere at all. It's heavy and cold. So, very, cold... "Ivan?" I call out, making my way up the stairs. I make my way up the steps and walk down the corridor. I hear some ruckus going on in the room in front of me. I quickly make my way to it and open the door. I'm shocked at what I see.

Lithuania is being beaten by a large pipe that is held by Ivan.

Ivan Braginsky.

The man who I thought was the sweetest guy in the world. The man who I thought wouldn't hurt anyone. And the man who treated me with such love and kindness, is beating my friend. I notice another person under Lithuania. He looks small. I can't tell who it is. "IVAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shout. I quickly run over to him and grab his arm, trying to keep it away from the two on the floor. Unfortunately, Ivan swings to get me off of him, and hits my nose really harshly. I take a few steps back due to the force of the blow.

I cup my nose and shut my eyes tightly, doing so. "Alfred...Oh my God..." I open my eyes, slowly pulling my hands away from my nose. There's blood on my hands, more dripping onto them from my nose. "Alfred! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Ivan frantically asks, dropping the pipe and coming to my aid.

"No. Don't touch me." I hiss. "H-Huh?"

"Ivan. How could you...?"

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry."

"No. How could you be so cruel to him? Look at him! Why would you do this to him? What is wrong with you?!" My voice gets louder near the end of my sentence. I walk over to Lithuania and crouch down. "A-Are you two okay? Oh God, I'll fix you up right away, Toris!" He gingerly lifts up his head and looks at me. His eyes are puffy and red. "Thank you..."

"Come on, let's go."

Talk Some Sense (Hetalia RusAme)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora