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I ran down the hall and into my room. I slammed the door and locked it. "(Y/n)," I could hear Josh sigh from the living room. I sit on the ground and listen to his footsteps get louder as he walked up to the door and then stopped.

He didn't try to open it, he probably figured out it would be locked. "(Y/n) I didn't mean to upset you or anything," he said to me from the other side of the door. "I just want to know if you are okay. It's just I noticed that you were acting different today."

I don't reply.

"You don't have to tell me anything," I heard him sit down. "Just open the door, please?"

"Go home, I'm tired," I said dryly. He doesn't say anything. I couldn't tell if he somehow left without making a noise or he's still outside of my room.

"Josh?" I ask.

"No, no," Josh said, "I'll go home. I'll see you later."

I couldn't feel the floor underneath me. I didn't have the ability to call out to him and say "Stay!" I just sat there, in shock. I could tell Josh was mad. He's good at not showing anger but I knew he was angry. The feeling of making a friend mad is one of the worst feelings in the world for me. I wasn't okay before Josh left and now that I made him mad, that feeling has gotten worse.

I heard the front door close. For a moment I feel hopeful. Maybe he's still here and is waiting for me to leave my room, that seems like something Josh would do...

I slowly get up and leave my room. I walk to the front door. He's not here. His car isn't parked outside, either. He's gone.

I should call him. No, I should let him cool off a bit. But if I wait until tomorrow he'll be worried about me all night, right? Does he even care about me? I should have just told him. It probably wouldn't even be as bad as I thought it would be.

Josh's P.o.V.

I drove to a nearby park. It was maybe five blocks away from (Y/n)'s house. I didn't get out of my car, it was too dark outside. I just sat there with the radio on, but all I could focus on really was (Y/n). I thought we were friends. If we were friends, then why couldn't she just tell me what was wrong? Can she not trust me? I know I'm not her best friend or anything like that, but friends can still tell each other things.

It's probably just a girl problem she has. I'll just check on her tomorrow.

But I can't just leave her thinking that I don't care. It's too late to go back, I should just let her calm down.

Your P.o.V.

I sat on my bed for who knows how long. I just sat there in the darkness. I thought about happy things, sad things, the thing that happened with Josh. I grab my phone to check the time. It was already midnight which was very surprising. Well, I'm used to staying up really late but have I really just been sitting here for hours doing nothing?

I stared at my phone debating if I should call someone. I didn't know who to call or if they would be awake. I wanted to call Josh but I didn't want to bother him. I laid down and tried to go to sleep but for some reason, I couldn't.

The silence was bothering me.

The Run and Go (Josh Dun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now