My eyes were beaming with hatred and he just stared back with an even more terrifying expression. I thrashed and scrambled in fury, I have had enough of this nonsense. Blood pounded in my ears from the meaningless actions. I was almost about to give up when I saw a flash of blue haze across my vison and warmth traveled up my body. I spotted intense blue flames licking the wood around me.

I felt Amaimon's vice grip withdraw and I tumbled to the ground with a thump. My legs just barely held me up.

I watched Amaimon fly backwards into the wall, leaving a huge imprint and several cracks behind. The entire house shook violently from the sudden impact, causing the porcelain lamp which Mephisto also seemed to treasure, to crash, scattering hundreds of pieces.

Well now the rug isn't the only thing Mephisto will be irate about. I sighed knowing I'd caused this whole disaster.

My muscles turned to jelly and I collapsed onto the floorboards. The flames dissipated and left scorch marks on the floor. Great. I strained my neck to take one last look at my half brother only to see him semi-conscious in a pile of crumbled drywall.

W-what the hell just happened... were my last thoughts before black invaded my vision and I fell unconscious.


Amaimon's pov

"Uhgg...", I grumbled irritably.


My body feels like lead and it seems as if my head is going to split in half. There's a faint ringing in my left ear and eyelids feel like they're burning. I feel like shit...

I breathed deeply through my nose. It smells like charred wood. I inhaled again. It also smells like...Rin. All demons give off a natural scent for marking territory, attracting mates, etc.

Their scent is usually not prominant unless it's mating season or they're protecting their mate.

But Rin's scent is highly noticeable and alluring. It's indescribable as to what it smells like to us demons but it's divine and unusual. It tends to attract annoying low-class demons. One of the main resons why Aniue brought Rin here; to protect him from other demons.

Although it's irritating how he gets all the attention from Aniue and Otou-san*, I can't help but to get all protective when other demons surround him. But why does it smell like him...?

I peeled my eyes open, immediatly regretting it. The sun beamed directly onto my retina causing me to writhe in pain.

"Uhhhg...", I whined in frustration. I rolled myself out of the sun's path and slowly sat up, my back cracking in the process. I opened my eyes again, slowly adjusting to the light only to see the wreckage we'd caused in the room.

"Aniue's gonna kill me..", I groaned. I must of gone on a violent streak or something. I vaguely remember Aniue explaining something to me about that. And I must've taken it out on Rin. I feel terrible...

I glanced over and saw the black bundle of fur I had grown to like. He was curled up near the burned wood sleeping at ease. He had bits of cinder and ash stuck in his fur. I'll have to clean him again.

I silently crawled towards him and started brushing off the debris that rested in his fur. His ears flicked occasionally and his paws twitched in annoyance. I grinned. Well he seems okay...that's good. I settled down beside him on the floor.  I wrapped my arm around his belly and pulled him to my chest. I stuck my nose into his silky fur and inhaled the sweet aroma. How strange it is that Rin(the cat) and the actual Rin smell the same...

I quickly fell into a pleasant slumber.


Mephisto's pov

I wonder how Rin and Amaimon are doing?

It's been plenty of fun watching them, it certainly amuses me to see Rin so confused and Amaimon so oblivious. But the thing is, the effects of the potion I gave to Rin should've worn off by now. Yet he's still an adorable little kitten.

Maybe the effects alter depending on the person? Maybe...

I just hope nothing malfunctioned.

Although it's entertaining, I wouldn't want my poor otouto* to remain a cat forever. Otou-san would not be pleased if that happened. And since I'm the cause...I don't even want to know what he'd do to me.

I shivered involuntary.

I'm currently traveling over to check on my younger brothers, to make sure they haven't  caused any turmoil. You never know what may happen when it comes to those two. I spotted the window and swiftly floated there.

I nimbly landed on the windowsill and yanked unpwards on the glass. Sliding it open with ease, I descended to the floor, resonating a "clack" noise with my boots.

I scanned the room finding no signs of my naughty brothers. The room had looked unscathed surprisingly, but I have to remember there are four other rooms in this complex. I wandered to the next room, it was perfectly fine. Next one, spotless. The third one though...the third one..was a complete disaster!

It seemed as if a tornado had struck. I visibly sighed in distress.

Why am I not suprised?

My beautiful foreign lamp is demolished, the wall is destroyed, my precious arabian rug is dank and ruined, and the floorboards are burnt.

I really hope this is as worst as it gets. I really don't want to pay anymore ridiculous bills. They already destroyed my amusement park and the True Cross Headquarters. I'll have to punish them real good this time. It's about time they leanred their lesson.

I glanced down and about a few feet away from the scorch marks I saw Amaimon cuddling Rin as if protecting him. Even after all the chaos, they still manage to be like this.

This is quite surprising considering that Amaimon has never taken a liking to something this strongly before.

I squatted down to their level and stroked both of their heads. I could hear Rin purring contently and he subconsciously snuggled closer to Amaimon. I weaved my clothed hand through Amaimon's grass-like locks and he held Rin tighter.

I chuckled softly at their cuteness and stood back up. I soon left the building, leaving the two demons back in dreamland.

I guess I'll punish them later...


A/N: Woo! Longest chapter so far! I'll try to make them longer from now on. Also I'm not going to be able to update at all next week since I'll be at camp. No electronic devices allowed ;-; But i'll try to update as soon as I get back ;)

*Otou-san means father

*Otouto means little brother

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