Chapter 22

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"What do you want?"

"You will come with me or the people you love, will die."

I stared in disbelief and scoffed. "You're going to kill the most powerful people in the world?"

He released the pressure on my neck and instead placed his hand on my cheek. My nose wrinkled in disgust.

"I never said I would kill them, only that they would die." He paused to smile and step away from me. I was still frozen by the black sand.

"You see, dream sand is a powerful thing, not only for the physical forms it can take but for the ability to manipulate a person's thoughts.

"Every person has a deep fear within them, nightmares only bring that to the surface. Of course you would know this from experience."

Did that mean he was the one cursing my dreams. Or was he referring to my father's manipulation of me? My mind was started to race with new thoughts until I stopped myself. No, I can't trust what he says.

He continued, "So either you come with me or I will drive them to murder one another until only one remains and then I will force you to kill them."

My heart dropped as I looked into his eyes. There were no false intentions. He meant what he said. I had no choice. If he could control my body, what else could be do?

I bit down on the inside of my cheek and swallowed hard as the words tumbled out. "I will go with you."

Suddenly the control on my body was released but I dared not try anything in case that freedom was taken again.

He started to speak but I cut him off, "I will go with you, but only on the condition that the guardians and my father remain unharmed."

"I don't make promises I can't keep"

"Then you're not taking me"

"I don't think you realise the decision you are making here. I'm giving you one last chance. Come with me or they will die."

I smirked, "Go ahead." I watched, hoping to call his bluff.

He sighed heavily and looked at me in an almost sorrowful way as he snapped his fingers. In that moment a heavy cloud of black sand filled the room, moving fluidly towards the guardians. They try to fight it away as it surrounds them. The pirates stop their pursuit as the black sand conceals the guardians from view.

I turn the mysterious stranger, "what are you doing to them?" I shout at him and then turn to move towards the swirling black cloud calling their names. "Jack? Father? North?" A hand grabs my arm and I spin around. "Release them." I command.

He smiles in compliance as he snaps his fingers once more. I try to shake his grip on me as I turn back around but he holds fast to my long sleeve, still stained by the blood of my wound. I see the black sand disappear like it was being sucked into an invisible vacuum. The guardians gasp and mutter to themselves as they look around.

The hand around my arm begins to drag me away and onto the ship. I stare back at Jack as he locks eyes with me. In a moment he's launched himself into the air and is zooming towards us. I manage to shrug the grip of the hand guiding me and step forward to confront Jack. With a swift movement of my arm I've created an air shield to push back against him.

He cries out anger, trying to break through the barrier. I calmly gaze back at him.

"Jack, don't fight this. You'll only make things worse. You must let me leave. You must not follow me. That is my wish."

His face fell, "what is wrong with you? Emily stay with us! With me. I'm sorry I hurt you."

I gritted my teeth and stayed my ground, "I'm sorry too," I whisper as I step on board the ship.

The moment I'm up the ramp I push back the air shield against Jack to encase the other guardians with him. The ship pulls away, black sand giving it power. I watch them try to fight against my power but it was pointless. I looked into every single hurt face.

My father was the only one not fighting against the cage. He nodded at me sadly with understanding in his eyes. Somehow I knew he was aware of my plan.

The pirates finished piling onto the ship. It pulled away and launched itself into jet speed once the door was shut. I was propelled into the nearest wall from the force of the sudden acceleration. There was a chorus of laughter.

I stood myself up and fixed my dress, trying not to wince in pain as I moved my shoulder. The pain was coming back now.

The man was reaching for my arm once more but I slapped his hand away, choosing to walk unaided. He nodded at me and lead the way onto the top deck. I followed with a guard of several pirates around me. They were a gross colour of grey with black sand swirling across their skin. They wore solemn, almost bored expressions as they marched me up the wooden steps.

On the open deck the wind blew my hair up above my shoulders, tangling it. My hands fidgeted with the ends of my sleeves impatiently as I strode forward. I watched as the man abruptly stopped at the rear of the ship. He motioned for the other pirates to leave us.

"I'm curious, why did you-" I cut him off as he turned to face me.

"Not so fast. I have questions too. Tell me who you are," I countered.

"You will learn in time."

I scowled in the other direction and then turned back slowly. "Can I at least know your name?"

"You can call me Michael." He smirked, a knowing twinkle in his eye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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