Strawberry Kit Kat (7)

Start from the beginning

"Take it or I will not accept another bite of Kit Kat from you."

"And you call me a dictator? Wow." Tiffany snatches the treat from Taeyeon's hand and takes a bite. "See? It's not spicy!"

Taeyeon wrinkles her nose when she sniffs her half and eats it hesitantly. She chews and chews and when she finally realizes that it's not bad at all, she takes another, bigger, bite – much to Tiffany's amusement.

"See? Told ya it's okay." Tiffany finishes the rest of her Kit Kat all at once then dusts her hands.

"It's better than the chili one, actually," comments Taeyeon. "Although both smell kinda strong."

"Yup. But not weird, right?"

"They're weird but not as weird as I thought."

"Good enough."

Taeyeon crushes the empty wrapper in her hand and is expecting Tiffany to move since there's no more Kit Kats to eat but the latter doesn't budge.

She looks up, sees her eyes staring her face and inadvertently becomes self-conscious.

"Is there something on my face?" she asks, wiping the corner of her mouth with her fingers while licking her bottom lip.

It's like Tiffany has been spacing out because the girl suddenly jerks a bit, shakes her head and quickly gets up.

"N-no. Nothing."

Taeyeon watches Tiffany retreat to the kitchen with raised eyebrows.

What just happened? Was she staring at my lips?


Tiffany opens the fridge and hides her face in it, pretending to be looking for something in case Taeyeon walks in.

She takes a deep breath and exhales.

Damn those lips.


"Quick! How was the sleepover?"

Taeyeon stops halfway through putting the food in her mouth and stares at her friend sitting on the chair across from her. "What sleepover?"

"You spent two nights at her place," Sunny says. "Something must have happened. Now tell me! Hurry! Before she returns!"

The three of them are in the middle of lunch that Monday and Tiffany had just excused herself to go to the toilet when Sunny launched into her interrogation.

"Nothing happens! We worked our butts off and that's it!"


"I'm not lying," says Taeyeon. "Nothing happened."

"Why? She didn't respond?"

"What? What should she respond to?"

"Your advances?"

"I did not make any advances! We worked, talked, ate meals and that. Was. It," she emphasizes.

"Well you should've done something." Sunny folds her arms. "You really should."

"Why?" Taeyeon puts her fork down and furrows her brows, observing the smug look on her best friend's face. "You know something, don't you?"


"Please don't tell me that you interrogated Sooyoung?"

"I didn't! I just asked her some light, innocent questions."

Taeyeon heaves a sigh. "Stay out of this."

"Why? Aren't you curious as to whether your J.Lo likes you too, Papi?"

STRAWBERRY KIT KAT (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now