Strawberry Kit Kat (7)

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When she sees that it's almost midnight, Taeyeon closes the file she's been doodling on and opens the finished one.

She final checks everything seriously, brows furrowed and hands moving efficiently.

She doesn't see the look of amusement and adoration from across the table from the girl no longer reading her book.

Then when she's done, she heaves a sigh, saves it plus an extra backup in the cloud folder and stretches.

"I'm done," she tells Tiffany.

"Let me see."

Taeyeon yawns –more out of boredom than exhaustion– and turns her laptop towards Tiffany who pulls the computer closer and begins checking Taeyeon's work.

"Good job. Wanna see mine?"

"Nah. I trust you." Taeyeon stands up, cracks her back and neck then goes to lie down on the couch. "I've uploaded one to the cloud folder. Can you please send both to Yeonho oppa?" she asks, closing her eyes.


"And tell him that we'll come in late tomorrow. He has taken our weekend away from us so it's the least he could do."

"I'll notify him that you passed out and might need medical attention."

Taeyeon opens her eyes and turns her head. "Yah!"

Tiffany laughs as she types the email, notifying the supervisor that their work is done and that he should check the cloud folder where they've put both files, while Taeyeon goes back to resting her eyes.

"Done," Tiffany says. "Whew. Finally. You work fast despite the distractions."

Taeyeon holds in her smile. If only you knew how fast I really work. But she says nothing.

She hears Tiffany getting off the couch, leaving the room. Before she has the chance to take a peek to see what Tiffany is doing, the girl has returned – as indicated by the soft shuffling of approaching slippers.

Taeyeon opens her eyes to see Tiffany taking a seat next to her, just like the previous night, and she scoots a bit to make room.

"Your reward." Tiffany dangles another Kit Kat package from her hand, a green one this time.

"Green tea?" asks Taeyeon, sitting up.


Taeyeon takes the treat and observes it. "Wasabi?!"


"Whoa! I thought you've run out of weird flavors? What is it with you and poisoning me with spicy Kit Kats?"

Tiffany chuckles, shoving Taeyeon's shoulder lightly. "The chili one wasn't spicy at all."

"So you're taking this up to the next level? And since when is wasabi flavored chocolate not weird?"

"Shush and give it a try."

"Have you had one of these?" Taeyeon asks, ripping the package open.

Tiffany nods then grins.

"I don't like the look of that grin." Taeyeon breaks the Kit Kats in two and gives one to Tiffany. "Share."

"No need. It's all yours. I've tried this one before, remember?"

"I don't care. I'm not going down alone. Take it." Taeyeon gestures the short green stick forward.

"It's really not that bad!"

STRAWBERRY KIT KAT (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now