“It's your own fault!”  He laughed before driving off causing skid marks on the tarmac.  I just rolled my eyes and twirled on the spot so I could walk forwards.  As I walked up to the doors of this 'majestic' building I noticed that all eyes were on me.  Some guys were looking at me with lust, others with wonder and even some were looking at me as if they disapproved of me.  The girls looked at me with envy, disgust and some unsure.  I held my head up high and put my earphones in blasting some random artist's music into my ear drums.  They could go shove their high and mighty judgements where the sun doesn't shine.

Soon enough they all lost interest in me.  Although some of the girls had aimed their judging, narrowed eyes at me.  Some of the students (actually there were only like a handful who were doing it) were even sniffing... which I found odd.  But I ignored them as I made my way up the path.  I didn't need to know them and I didn't want to know them.  They were probably classed as the "freaks" - people I didn't want to hang out with.

Looking around I could see some clear differences between my old school and this one.  For starters I wasn't sure if this was a college or a secondary school.  I couldn't see any young kids  there were only older kids.  None of them seemed to be running or screaming like the annoying pre-pubescent kids some of the year sevens were.  My old school didn't have a large field out front like this either.  Not one that was big enough to let kids lounge on anyway.

Behind the school I could see trees.  It appeared as if the school had a forest behind it.  This entire town seemed to be surrounded by forestry though.  It wasn't too weird.  I just needed to get used to this and not just blocks of buildings or motorways.  I'd soon be a "country girl" instead of a "city girl"... I think.

Strolling casually into the main office I took out my earphones and waited at the reception.  No-one was there.  It looked as if someone would be back though because papers were littered on the desk and the phone was ringing loudly.  There were three computers, all of them on, so I assumed there had to be three receptionists.  One of them had to be around somewhere.  Noticing a bell next to me I smacked my hand down on it.  It was loud enough for someone to hear and I wasn't going to ring it again.  I was not becoming one of those annoying teenagers who rang until someone's irritation levels were going through the roof.  I'd been there and I'd also gotten in trouble for "sorting out" this girl.  Apparently punching her and telling her to have patience wasn't the way to go.  My bad.

It didn't take long for someone to come.  A small, tubby old lady came up to the desk.  Her grey and white streaked hair was tied up into a neat little bun and she had small glasses which were perching on the end of her wrinkling, button nose.  Her outfit though... it wasn't as cute as this receptionist was.  She wore an ugly brown cardigan with a neon green blouse on underneath.  She also had a crap-coloured looking skirt which fell to her knees.  I couldn't see what colour shoes she had on but I knew they wouldn't be matching.  Somehow I could just tell.  Call it a fashion intuition.

“How mae I help ye, lassie?”  She asked, her Scottish accent thick.

“I need to collect a time table... and a map?”  The last part I was unsure of.  Would they have provided me a map anyway or gotten someone to give me a tour?  I didn't fancy getting a tour off a randomer; teacher or student it didn't matter.  All I wanted to do was find my class, sit in the back, listen to the teacher drone on and get on with the day.  The sooner I was out of here the better.

“Name?”  She asked before going to a computer and bringing up some sort of program.  I think my old school had that.  Actually I'm pretty sure all schools had that type of program.  I don't know... I wasn't a computer whiz.

“Samara Ray.”  I told her watching her type my name into the computer.  I saw some sort of time table and I noticed it had a lot of empty slots.  Glee filled my bones.  After she printed it off and collected it from the printer she grabbed a small booklet and handed them both to me.

Living the Life of Riley | ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora