Chapter 3: Taehyung who?

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Everything went black and then I woke up to a bunch of machines beeping...
*5 months later*
Taehyung's POV
Finally I finished acting school and I am not fluent in English! I also finished Hwarang and it even won an award!! I didn't text or call the members because my phone broke and I just got a new one but luckily I remember Yoongi's number by heart. So I decided to give him a call. Surprisingly he answered right away. "Hello, who is this?" He asked. "Hey Yoongi it's Taehyung." I replied. "Omo Taehyung when are you coming back home?? You need to see Jungkook." Yoongi said. "I'm going home tomorrow but why does Jungkook need to see me that bad?" I asked. But the next answer was the worst answer I could ever get. "Jungkook got in a car crash and lost his memory of you but not completely." He said
Jungkook's POV
I wake up in a hospital room with the BTS members around me. I remember all their names and everything but the past memories have been forgotten temporarily. After a couple months I slowly got memories back from moments with BTS but I remember one member named Taehyung and he wasn't there. I wonder what relationship I had with him. All I remember is that he hurt me when he left.
*the next day*
Taehyung's POV
I wake up super early the next day and run to the airport to get back home as fast as I can to see Jungkook. I have to make him remember me and all the fun things we had done and the promise I made to come back to him.
*a long flight later*
When I get back home I look around and see Namjoon reading a book. When he turns and sees me his face lights up. "OMO GUYS TAE IS HOME!!" He yelled and one by one they came (except for Jungkook) and attacked me with a big hug. "TAE TAE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" Hoseok screamed. "I missed you too" I said back. Wait I noticed Jungkook isn't home so I immediately asked to go to the hospital and they gladly took me there. When I got there I ran to the desk and asked where Jungkook is. "Excuse me, miss do you know what room Jeon Jungkook is in?" I asked and she said "He is in room 294." I rushed upstairs and saw Jungkook eating his hospital food. "Jungkook!" I screamed and he turned around. He didn't look happy to see me but he looked confused and sad. "W-who are you?" He asked. I felt my heart break from those words..does he really not remember me? No I have to make him remember me. "Come on Jungkook it's me Taehyung." I said. Jungkook made and face and told me that he knew of me but not our relationship as best friends. "I also remember....that you hurt me." He said. Why lord did he have to be in a car crash. Suddenly Jungkook held on to his head in pain. "JUNGKOOK!! OH MY GOD! NURSE!!" I screamed. Immediately the nurses came in and told me to leave the room for a moment. After they left and let me go it I looked at Jungkook worried. "What happened?!" I asked. "Calm down Tae Tae." He said. He remembered my nickname...was it possible that he was getting his memories back?! "Jungkook when are you getting discharged from the hospital?" I asked. "Oh I'm getting discharged tomorrow, since I've been in this place for months." He said. Omo months he's been in here and I couldn't support him since I had to go to the states to pursue my dream. I had the perfect idea to gain his memory back, by taking him to hang out with me and gain his old memories and make new ones with me and finally confess to him.
Jungkook's POV
I saw a boy walk into my hospital room. He made my heart skip a beat and when he told me his name was Taehyung I knew that I loved him before and I still love him now. Suddenly I got a sharp pain in my head and I held on to it and heard Taehyung scream for the nurse for help. I suddenly got a flashback
Flashback to 5 years ago
"Hey Taehyung!" I said. "Oh hey Kookie!" He replied. "Oh? Where did the nickname kookie come from?" I asked. "Because your name is Jungkook and I thought that it'll be cute to call you Jungkookie or kookie!" Tae exclaimed. "Hm I should make a nickname for you too...I'll call you Tae Tae!" I said. "Oh that's really cute." He said and I blushed a deep red. When Taehyung saw me blush he also blushed a shade of red too. That's how the nickname Tae Tae and Kookie started.
Present day
I wake up the next morning feeling more energized than the whole time I was at this hospital. The Doctor then came in and said that I was discharged and let me go. After I went to the entrance I saw Taehyung standing waiting for me. He looked so handsome and he turned around to see me. "Oh kookie! Let's go!" He said. "Where are we going Tae Tae?" I asked.

"We're going to get your memories of me back and then I need to tell you something very important." He said

And with that he took my hand and ran off holding my hand. I guess we're going on a journey together down memory lane and hopefully make new happy memories together.

I whispered again "I love you Tae Tae and I hope you love me too."
Authors note
Thanks for reading and vote on the story of you think that it's good Bc honestly I don't even know what else to put ~ but I'll come up with ideas and who caught the your lie in April reference about spring ;)

"-----------------------------------------------------Authors note Thanks for reading and vote on the story of you think that it's good Bc honestly I don't even know what else to put ~ but I'll come up with ideas and who caught the your lie in Apr...

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