The unexpected ending

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Sofia Valentine Winter is someone who had been recognised as a genius all around the world. A multi talented prodigy since the moment of her birth. The number of trophies and scholarship this young lady had acquired all through the 25 years of her life, had filled up a whole room in her house. She is someone that the whole country is proud off.

After all she was the one who got three gold medals for archery, four for swimming, one for high jump, three for gymnastics and so on in Olympics. Yeah, the Olympics. She is indeed exceptionally gifted.

Everyone is proud of her and always expects great results from her.

But to tell you the truth, Sofia could care less. Everytime she came into public notice, been interviwed in magazines, newspapers, news, etc. She was always expressionless. Like she doesn't care about anything. Thus the name ice queen came.

Sofia seriously just wanted to sit around her room and watch anime, read manga, play games, etc. But no, her damn parents have to drag her everywhere. So in the end she tried to finish everything fast so she can go home and relax while watching a rerun of Nisekoi .

Yes all the great results this miss. Prodigee acquired was gotten in the midst of her trying to go home fast and watch anime.

And today after finally getting herself from the exaggerated surprise congratulation party for getting her MBBS degree hosted by her family for the family but for some reason there were so many people, many of which Sofia is sure does not come into family ; Sofia was rushing back to her condo in her Black Lamborgenee so she can finish reading the last chapter of Nisekoi manga.

The manga that she had manage to forget while leaving for The Cambridge university 4 years ago. She had been since then itching to know whom Raku Ichigo chooses as his lover. Was it Oonodera Kosaki ? Or was it Chitogi Kirisaki ? Chitogi had always been her favourite. She just adore the blonde. After all Tsundere are the best.

She had tried so hard for all this years to not let the book be spoiled. She did thought about googling it online but her love for her dear manga at home didn't let her. Sofia had a weird habit, once she reads a book she will complete the book by the book she started with. No other copies will do her good. Thus she had to wait for 4 years.

But not for long. Finally. Finally the mystery will solve itself and the girl in Ichigo's heart will be revnealed. Or so she thought.

But in her excited stage the prodigy didn't saw the big vehicle advancing towards her at full speed till a loud honk snap her out of her otaku thoughts. She was only able to widen her eyes as she saw bright lights approaching her in very high speed. Honks rang. Lights flashed. And a loud sound was heard.

Even though everything happen so fast, Sofia felt like it was a scene of an action movie which was slow motioned to make it more interesting. Just like in those movies she saw the headlines of the approaching truck blindingly flash in her eyes, the car being hit with a loud noise emitting through the contact, the car being squished because of the force, her body feeling that crashing pressure, the sound of her bones breaking, feeling of blood oozing from the new wounds she got, the loud noises of other cars and vehicles around, and lastly the immense pain before everything went still and silent.

The last thing on her mind being - well it was an unexpected death.

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