Season 4 episode 22

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I just watched new episode of The Flash. And belive me I loved it!! I got everything I wanted since the season 3. I was yelling for a few seconds after seeing that Caitlin had Killer Frost even when she was a little.
And her father?! About him. I think he also had super-powers and Caitlin got her powers from him. Just maybe she didn't showed them because she wasn't scared od angry.

Or maybe she did, but her father loocked thoese momories so she could live normal. Without a fear that she will hurt someone.

Or, after Killer Frost showed up it was too much and she couldn't control her powers than and in that moment her father was too close and got catch by her powers which coused him to die.
That also could be the reason why her mother was so cold with her through her childhood, but in season 3 after seeing how much Caitlin was scared of her powers, her motherly side started to work.

I wonna here your thought about my 'theories' and also if you have some please share them with me :)

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