Why is there hate over Danielle and Candice

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I don't have any social media but i watch videos by TeamForwood and ReactOutLoud and there you can find pictures of comments where people put a hate on both, Danielle and Candice. Some of West-Allen shippers on Danielle because they think she is a racist because she ship Snowbarry, and some Snowbarry shippers on Candice because they ship Snowbarry and she likes West-Allen. People! Let's not forget that Caitlin and Iris are just roles played by Danielle and Candice. They are not thoese characters! You can hate on Caitlin, you can hate on Iris (like myself but that's just because writers gives to her a poor writing), but not on a acters.

And one more thing:
Danielle just give us idea of Snowbarry, we choose if we are gonna ship it or rip it, so there is no any reason to hate on Danielle.

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