"Sometimes you have to let it all out. Luna once told me that it isn't right to keep it all inside and be bitter to people who had been kind to you." He whispered. The prince glared at the kid and even though he flinched, Eisa still hold his shirt tightly. It was as if he will be gone if he let go.

"You will not understand. I hate her for pulling me out of the battlefield. I should have been there with my siblings. Even if my big brother surrendered, I would have gladly faced the consequences with him. But she pulled me away for her selfish desires." He seethed. Eisa let out a small sigh. The prince was bitter towards the lady who saved them. He was about to talk when he saw Luna descend from the cliff. She was holding food and probably heard Kouha.

'It's fine. You can talk to him.' She signaled with a nod. Eisa beamed before placing himself in front of Kouha.

"Hate is a strong word, Mister Kouha. I don't think Miss Thais pulled you out of that war for her selfish desires. No, she did that because she felt as if you were to do something great in the future. Yes, you should have been with your siblings as punishment for all the things that you've done and for being part of the losing faction but she did not mean any harm. I think I even heard her once that it was also Kouen's wish that you help her and in turn, she will protect you from that scary purple king. Or that was what Luna told me. The purple king was scary because he took control of one your siblings. Miss Thais had to use her special rukh to take her back. But going back to what I was saying, she has good intentions. Don't just judge her solely because of your hatred for leaving the war. Judge her of the deeds she had done already. Well, I better help with the dinner. I'll see you later, Mister Kouha. Hopefully, in a better mood as well." He cheekily teased. Kouha playfully glared at the kid, but he was right. Since when did he let anger cloud his judgment? He took a deep breath and decided to go back to the cliff. He was tired though but luckily, Luna was willing to take him up there.

"You sorted out your thoughts fast. Wanna think more about it?" She asked. He shook his head and told her that he wanted to take back all the harsh words he told Thais. She gave him a toothy grin before finally taking off.

Thais sat blankly at the sky above her. She evaluated all of her choices and thought that maybe at some point, she chose a terrible choice. Kouha stepped in front of her and pulled the poor woman out of her misery. She was utterly surprised by his change of heart.

"I understand now. I will not leave you like everybody else did. We will not leave you like everybody else did." He whispered. She held him tightly against her. It was nice to know that despite the darkness in her heart, there was still a light willing to enclose her own.

"I hope you're willing to experience different ups and downs with me, Kouha. I'm a pregnant woman after all! Don't worry though because you have Eisa, Luna, Kaein, Khamisa and Yunan by your side to help me." With that, Thais passed out from exhaustion. Kouha panicked for a second until he noticed her deep breathing.

"Get some goodnight sleep." He smiled.

1 month later

"Argh! Kouha! Eisa! Do we still have fruits and peanut butter around here?" She asked. Kouha turned from his couch before standing up to get the peanut butter on top of the shelves. Eisa, on the other hand, chopped the newly bought fruits on the counter. Yunan and Khamisa snickered as they witness the two work on Thais' strange cravings.

"I still don't understand how you can stomach that. Ugh!" Kouha complained before grabbing one slice of fruit. Thais pouted at him.

"I can't help it! There's this strange tingle inside me that insists on me eating something! And look at this bump! Wiiieee!" She cried in joy. Kouha shook his head at her ridiculousness before going back to the book he was reading.

Khamisa took note of the gloomy atmosphere outside and asked Yunan.

"Hey, Yunan. Are you not bothered by how dark and cold it is down here?"

"Hm? Not really. I enjoy how cramp this place is. Plus, I'm in between the Dark Continent and the New World. What place is better than this?" He smirked. Khamisa sighed. She would never understood how satisfied the magi was on his house's location.

Kaein and Luna were in the Dark Continent as they sharpened their senses and attacks. They had help from the Fanalis after meeting them. It was not good at first considering that they were enemies back then but now, they were able to settle their feud. Of course, the humans had a particular participation on it.

"Malbar Sharija!"

"Malbar Raqesa!"

4 months later

Thais was already on her 8th month. One more and her child will be born. They returned to the new world temporarily until the house they were currently building finishes. She still watched over the world and she could not help but worry at the sudden changes around them. First, Hakuryuu stepped down the throne and appointed Kogyouku as the Empress. Then, the gang was confronted by Arba and Sinbad. Luckily, they were able to escape and their current location, the Kina Kingdom which was currently in the Dark Continent. This way, Arba would not be able to detect them. Yunan casted a small magic on them as well.

"Nngh. It's really difficult to stand and sit with this big tummy of mine." Thais joked. She touched her belly lightly to feel her child. It kicked and she was overjoyed by it. Kouha watched her do it and was glad that she was starting to smile again.

"Say, Kouha? Would you be my child's uncle and godfather at the same time? It's burden enough but will you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'd love that. But why don't you consider Yunan? I mean, he's older and knowledgeable you know. I know that old man can hear me though." Kouha scoffed. Thais giggled at his statement and told him that Yunan declined her offer.

"He told me that he would love to be the uncle only. Being a godfather was too much for him, he said."

"It can't be help then. Have you thought of a name?" He inquired. It was about time after all. She smiled and told him that if it was a boy, his name would be Akil. If it was a girl, it would be Celeste.

Weeks Later
Dark Continent
Khamisa's POV

"Oh my god! Thais is already giving birth! Argh! Please be alright! I'm so nervous!" I ranted as I waited outside with the others. We were able to meet up with Mister Hakuryuu, Miss Morgiana and Aladdin. Behind us, King Takeruhiko awaited for his niece/nephew-to-be. We were all out of our minds except for Kouha who stood there calmly. It was not later when we heard a cry of baby.

"It's a success!"


"Alright. Only one person can come in." The lady said. We all looked at each other until we pointed at Kouha who was blankly looking at the door, but we knew how anxious he truly was for everything.

"You should go, Kouha. I'm sure that Thais will love that."

"G-Geez. You didn't have to push me."

Thais' POV

I just gave birth to a healthy son. Damn, I did not know that it will be this difficult giving birth. It was like I was trampled by thousands of Yrifian tigers. The door opened and Kouha entered with an anxious look. I could not help but laugh at him.

"There's no need to be so nervous, Kouha. Look, I gave birth to a healthy son! Isn't he the cutest?" I gushed. It was not easy to move around considering that my body was extremely weakened. I let him hold my son before I passed out but not before I hear him.

"I will protect you and your mother, Akil. Just like how my brother wanted to. And of course, I want it as well. Rest well, Thais."

I was plunged into the darkness as I dream of the future I wished Sinbad and I had instead of this.

'I want to see you, Sin.'


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