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Here's the harsh truth about life. You're gonna die. Whoever reads this will die. I will die.Nothing will be left. Now I understand that you've probably shared some thoughts on that. You probably understand,yeah, I'm gonna die. But what you never think about is when is it gonna hit me? We always think that death is this kind of thing that slowly approaches and we just kind of  canprepare for it, but honestly, the truth is, most of the time , we don't. You might have had that. You might have had one of your loved ones just die suprisingly. Maybe someone you barely know. Maybe someone famous. You're like,oh yeah , they're gonna be around forever. Am gonna checkout their concert. Boom all of the sudden they die. Death is around the corner,death is omnipresent.the problem is we never prepared for it. The romans have a saying called "momento mori"meaning " remember that you're gonna die" now the question is ,what are you gonna do when you die? What have you done leading up to that moment? And am not telling you to complete overhaul your entire life, because, oh no, I'm gonna die, I'm so afraid, I'm so afraid!  Am simply saying be aware of two things. Number one, squeeze the juice  of life. Squeeze it out. This world is wonderful. Full of opportunities, great people that can care about you. But gotta take those opportunities in and gotta remember that this life can be wonderful if you accept it. Laugh loudly, lift heavy, be inspired by people and don't waste your life. Do your self the favor. Don't waste your life doing things you're not into. Don't waste your life waiting. Thinking that one day you're gonna have it. Which brings me to the second point. We have a one chance time in life! Don't waste it dreaming! Don't drag yourself to that job, waiting for a new opportunity to happen. Don't spend your life withering away in a bad relationship. Go out talk to that girl/guy. Don't wait for the perfect opportunity. The perfect opportunity is now, cuase tomorrow you can be dead. It sounds weird right now but understand the prominence of death. Understand the weight of that. Don't wait your life away! Waiting your life away is the worst thing you could do. Because one day that death moment is gonna hit you, and you'll have a fraction of a second thinking back. What have i done, what is the impact that I've left on this world? Now that I'm gonna be gone, where has the world gone in the years that I've spent on it? What is it, will people remember me?if so, what will they remember me for ? We'll never look back thinking I failed too much.  We'll be looking back thinking we didn't try enough.   We have alot of potential within us, and it's in our responsibility to live. So at the end of the day, death is not the problem. It's not having lived in the first place that's the problem. The saddest thing is that most people die without even truly lived...

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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