787Ethan clearly wanted more than anything to get out of the insanely dull adult party and you honestly felt the same. You hated these things.

"No way. My parents will kill me if they find out we left," you said.

"Only if they find out," he replied, raising his eyebrow.


"So we'll go for an hour and then sneak back into your parents' gathering before it ends," Ethan directed while you walked to the house where the party was being held.

"Okay, but we can't stay any longer."

I don't know how you managed to pull it off, but you told your parents that you and Ethan were gonna go hang out in the basement and snuck out through the back door.

You and Ethan neared the house and you weren't even on the driveway when you could hear the loud, booming music coming from inside.

You finally got through the door after being stopped multiple times by confused, high people and Ethan led you to the living room where everyone was drinking out of Red Solo cups and dancing to crazy, hip-hop music.

You grabbed a root beer off the table and popped it open while Ethan poured himself some Ginger Ale from a big liter bottle.

You leaned back on the table next to Ethan, watching everyone dance like idiots.

It didn't shock you that everyone looked like bafoons. The insanely early time didn't stop underaged teenagers from getting too drunk for their own good.

"Yo Ethan!" someone called, causing you to look in their direction.

It was a tall, blonde boy waving Ethan over. He was definitely a little intoxicated but still sober enough to function. You assumed he was the head of the party because him and Ethan were clearly friends.

You set your drink down before Ethan grabbed your hand and led you to where the boy was motioning to.

It was a small bedroom containing three guys and three girls who all motioned for you two to sit down with them.

You reluctantly took a seat next to Ethan, which completed the circle around an empty beer bottle.

"You guys wanna play a game?" the blonde boy asked. "We didn't have enough people."

Ethan nodded and looked at you to make sure you were comfortable.

"Sure," you said with a shrug.

Ethan knew what the game was so he shamelessly smirked at the thought.

"Ok so we spin the bottle. Bottle lands on you, you either do a Truth or Dare or you spin again and kiss the person it lands on."

You nodded and held your breath as a boy with brown hair spun. It landed on Ethan and he chose to do a Truth or Dare.


"Who's the girl you came with?" the brown-haired boy asked.

"My friend," he replied plainly.

"Do you really see her as your friend?"

"You only get to ask me one question bro," Ethan snapped with a light chuckle, clearly avoiding answering at all costs, making you suspicious.

A boy next to Ethan with dark skin and black hair spun the bottle next. Of course, this early in the game, it landed on you. You and Ethan had literally just joined.

You paused, not knowing what to choose, mentally cursing yourself for not figuring out your answer ahead of time.

"I guess I'll do Truth or Dare."

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