You left me

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You left
You weren't there
Even when you were you weren't

I wanted you
I wanted to be wanted
I wanted to be like them

But we aren't them
They aren't us

I wanted you to be what i needed
I wanted to be loved
Shown love
Be supported
Shown support
Cared for
Shown care

Why can't we be normal

That's all I ever wanted

I wanted to be caught
When I fell
I wanted you to be there

I wanted you to show me
Show me
You cared
You loved
I mattered

We show emotion..
Emotional beings..

Show me
Why couldn't you have showed me

I felt like I couldn't get through
A brick wall

At times

Like The person I was looking at wasn't looking back at me
Like you were transparent
So see through I thought you were a ghost
More so like a piece of glass
Where all I can see was my reflection
Nothing of you

Just me
Always just me
Feeling alone
Always felt alone

Even when you alongside me..

You wanted me to do what you wanted
Never cared for me
It seemed

I wasn't ready for that
You didn't care

You wanted it your way no one else's
I'm just the kid right?

Yes I'm the kid.

You shouldn't be.
No matter how old I am..
You shouldn't be.

I should always be your little one.

Shouldn't one be alongside their little one
Believe in them full heartily
Believe in their word to be true
   No matter what 
   Believe in me

You didn't believe in me
You denied
You lied
You ignored

You didn't want me
I felt
Unwanted by you

No matter what I ended up

Years after apart
I heard nothing back
Nothing from you
You left me.

I left from home
But you left me

I wanted to hear from you
I wanted something from you

For years, nothing.. 

I shouldn't have to beg for that

Yet here we are...

I want nothing of you.
Out of my life.

I know you won't change.
I expect you to not
Not even for me...

No hope.
No use.
No point.

You are hopeless.
You are anger.
You are selfish.
You are..
To me.

My past.
Just my past.

Not family.
Blood but not bonded.

We all get hurt
We all hurt from this

But forever me and you
It will always hurt

I will forever be

For you left me.


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