People are actually asking for an end so

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So since I'm not interested in writing this any more and people are actually interested in knowing how it ends, I just decided to write out the plot for the remainder for you all, since it is kinda mean of me to leave people who like this fic hanging.

Again thank you all for reading and I'm super sorry for discontinuing this, I just am no longer interested in pursuing this fanfiction and I have a fairly busy life and it just isn't high enough on my priority list to continue it.

So here's the basic skeleton plot to what happens next.

They all slack off a bit more, but they are still working to figure out the heartless problem. But the Organization sees it as no progress and they decide to terminate the mission and the main characters for what they see as a waste of time.

Axel and Roxas are split from Dem and Xigbar, and Demyx and Xigbar dissappear, presumably taken back by Org XII. Saxion offers to help Axel and Roxas, so having no real choice, they accept and begin hunting for the cause of the trouble.

They search the caves but once they're in deep, Saxion traps them and reaveals to them that she was a heartless monster the whole time, as well as the cause of the infestation, changing her body to fit that of her actual heartless self and going to destroy them.

They run from Saxion and manage to escape the caves, but are split up, and in their panic to get to safety, they're also met with Organization XII's attempts to bring them in. They're both pursued and attacked by various heartless and members of Org XII, and things are fairly bleak. This part can be read in chapter 8's dream sequence, which was actually a preminition on Axel's part.

They resume running, being chased by both Saxion in her ruthless heartless form and the Org, forcing the two parties to meet up and find one another. From here, the members of Organization XII realize what Axel and Roxas had been doing and that they had, in fact, been doing their job, despite slacking off most of the time. So they decide to assist Axel and Roxas in defeating Saxion.

They are able to return to the castle and stop Demyx and Xigbar from being turned into average heartless creatures, which is the punishment for dissobidience. They are all able to return to the Org, with rewards for their efforts and condolances for the Organization's premature actions.

Then pretty much the end. Yes, Axel and Roxas end up staying together, and yes so do Demyx and Xigbar.

Just maybe if you guys want it I could just write another love scene for one of the pairs, if I'm feeling up to the challenge. I guess message me if you're interested and tell me what sounds good for you guys. Consider it an apology for cutting the story off, since people actually have been messaging me asking me why I stopped and wanting to know what happens next. So sorry to the fans of this work, I didn't realize it would be as missed as it was and if this would maybe bring you all a little more closure, I would try to do it.

Thank you all for being so understanding and once again, sorry to those who wanted to read the rest. Maybe one day I may open this back up, but I suppose don't count on it because I don't want to leave you all hanging.

Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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