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the room was dimly lit. a girl, penelope, took the stage.

"in the 1980s, american slaughterhouses

began building corrals in curves,

so no animals could see the blood at the end of the track.

this is how we kept them moving forward."

her words echoed through the cafe. people snapped, showing their liking for her writing. her voice rose, it was a shout now.

"in 2001, we began building the hallways of our schools in curves.

this is how we keep them moving forward."

she readjusted her glasses, then exited the stage. she was something else. ashton wanted to know her, this he was sure of.

i guess we'll see where this one goes. this was at a poetry slam if you couldn't tell idk.

lowercase intended because why not

poem used in this was written and preformed by the wonderful dylan garity

copywrite © 2014 | teenageworries

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