Heartbeats and Emotions

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Your POV

You clenched your palms in frustration.

'Why!? Why do I feel so nervous around Ciel! It doesn't feel right!'

You grabbed the feathered pen and began to furiously write all the paperwork that was needed to be written.

Your stack of paperwork had gotten shorter by the second, Ciel's eyes widened as he saw your finished paperwork and then sweatdropped.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

You hid your blush and looked away "Yeah, I'm fine"

He smirked "You know we're having a French lesson taught by Sebastian when we finish this right"

You huffed "Je suis parfaitement couramment le français" you say. (Translation:I'm perfectly fluent with French)

Ciel's eyes widened "I'm impressed"

You smirked and then the doors burst open, with Sebastian in his tutor uniform, glasses, books and all.

"Well looks like someone finished her paperwork, or did she just skip it all" Sebastian smirked.

You looked at him with a bored face "You can check the whole stack of paper, it's all signed and finished"

Sebastian actually looked through all the forms, while Ciel finished up his paperwork.

"Impressive Mi'lady, what made you finish so quickly?" he asked.

You shrugged "I don't know, I didn't really know if I was that fast"

Ciel smirked at you and a smirk play upon your lips "It just seemed like something to get over with" you say and averted your eyes towards Ciel.

Sebastian raises an eyebrow but nonetheless started the lesson.

You blocked out everything and stared outside the window 'This is so boring, when can I go to the library?'

"_______!" Sebastian's voice snapped you back to reality.

You blink "Yes?"

"Can you say 'Thank you very much' in French-"

You cut him off "You know what this just has to be said at one point so..."

You smirked "Votre une vraie douleur à traiter, donc s'il vous plaît enfermé."
(Translation:Your a real pain to deal with, so please shut up.)

Sebastian's crimson orbs widened with shock, while Ciel stifled a chuckle, while you smirked evilly.

You smile sweetly "Merci beaucoup d'avoir écouté mon opinion de vous."
(Translation:Thank you very much for listening to my opinion of you.)

Sebastian still shocked of your words started to recompose himself and gave a hard stare which made you flinch a little.

"Well then you seem under control of things why don't you teach the Young Master" Sebastian smirked.

You and Ciel's jaws dropped 'What?! What is he getting at!?'

"Êtes-vous sérieux? Ce n'est pas juste!" You hissed at the raven-haired man. (Translation:Are you serious?! That's no fair!)

"Oui, je suis, et y accéder, vous assez d'expérience pour enseigner." Sebastian countered. (Translation:Yes I am, and get to it, you're experienced enough to teach.)

"Chien femelle" you grumbled as he walked out. (Translation: Female Dog)

"What was that?" he smiled evilly as he poked his head back in.

"NOTHING!" You blurted out as Ciel tried to stop his laughing.

"Good" he said and finally walked away.

You closed the door and sighed "Oh my God"

Ciel chuckled "You put up quite fight"

You smiled "And it was in French!"

He snickered "But when you told him to shut up. Never seen that before"

You skipped towards him and smiled "What can I say? It just had to be said!"

"Alright onto more important things, your French lesson" you snapped your fingers.

Ciel sighed "Ugh what a pain"

"Well, what do you know?"

"The basics like 'hello', 'goodbye', 'Thank you'" he says.

"Hmm okay, let's try different words we can put into a sentence" you smiled.

Ciel nods "Alright"

After and hours he was able to speak more fluently and was able to say a few sentences.

Then it clicked into your head "Ah! I see"

He looked up as he sipped his tea "What?"

"You can understand the language but you can't speak it can you?" you snap your fingers.

Ciel nods "Yeah"

"Well no worries, I was horrible when I first started, now look at me, I was able to start an argument with your butler" you smirked.

Ciel chuckled, you loved when he did that, when he would chuckle. It was cute and somehow suited him, even though you admired his pride. You smiled warmly and realized his name was...

"Well you already know what sky means" you chirp.

Ciel tipped his head in confusion "I do?"

You nodded and curled your fingers, brought them to your lips and giggled "Yes you do"

"I don't understand"

You poked his forehead "Silly, silly Ciel, it's your name!"

"My name? As in Ciel means sky?" he asks.

You nodded and cupped his cheek, and your thumb circled his cheek.

"It fits too, your hair and your eyes they suit you very well" you commented.

He blushed, it was cute when blushed, you giggled at his reaction, making him blush even more.

"Well! that concludes our lesson!" you smiled happily and you walked towards the door.

"_______, wait"

You turn "Yes-"

Ciel pinned you to the wall and kissed you in such greedy manner. You blushed as you closed your eyes, enjoying the pleasure rushing to your body. He entered your mouth, you snaked your hands around his neck. You purred as you felt him grind his hips with yours.

He pulled away panting, you were as well, he turned away and walked out of his office in such a hurry.

Your eyes were wide with shock 'Ciel Phatomhive...just stole my first kiss'

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