The Queens Watchdog

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Ciel's POV

"Oh joy, we get here and we compete with the Scotland Yard" I groaned.

"I doubt there is anything to worry about my lord" Sebastian answered cheerily. (XD I feel so weird writing that! I mean it's Sebastian XD!)

As we walked up, Abberline was holding papers and discussing furiously with his superior: Sir Randall.

Me being me, I snatched the papers right out of their hands and in the process hearing Sebastian chuckle quietly.

"She's been gone for nearly a month and a half, yet you still haven't found any major clues yet?" I ask monotonously.

Abberline stammers to get his words together and Sir Randall snarls.

"No we haven't found any major clues yet, they took her with almost no trace of her, only bits of blood were found near the burned estate. Not for you to poke your watchdog nose in" Randall snapped and looked at me intimidatingly.

But I held my head high "But I doubt you should be arguing with me"

I held up the letter sent from the Queen

"I think you know who sent me"

Randall cursed "This is none of your business, we have it all under control"

I smirked "Alright then, let's be off Sebastian" as I turned and walked away, head held high.

"You aren't going to give up on this case aren't you, young master." Sebastian smirked deviously.

"Of course not, the Queen ordered me to carry out the case and find the girl, I will do what I am to do" I replied.

Sebastian smirked and walked with me to the deeper parts of northern London.

Your POV

You snapped and growled trying to claw the damn rope off of you.

"It's useless you know" a womanly voice cooed.

Your eyes widened and you immediately stopped writhing and stood still and held your breath.

"_______ ______, my my dear, you seem exhausted" she cooed.

You squeezed your eyes shut 'Please! Stay away!'

"How does that mark feel darling?"

"It hurts" you whimpered.

She started stroking the mark, slowly, gracefully that it felt like eternity.

"You remember me right my lovely?" she whispered.

You cried silent tears "A-Angela"

"Now there's a good girl, you carry out your father's work very well you know?"

You stayed silent.

"I bet your father and mother think of you very proud, growing up, maturing at a fast rate"

You didn't speak.

"Sleep well darling see you in the morning" Angela cooed.

Without opening your eyes you heard wings flap into the air. You shakily opened your eyes and fell back exhausted from the marking ceremony.

Ciel's POV

We've looked everywhere from high to low and yet even in the most obvious places and hardest places we couldn't find a trace.

Until I hear...

"Young master there's a hatch right down this alley there're humans down there." Sebastian calls.

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