Even Songbirds Rest their Songs

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The morning came and ________ was still sick in bed. She groaned as she rolled over, feeling discomfort. Her stomach snarled back at once, begging to be fed.

_________ laid in bed, her hair a mess, she wish for a bath, but that would only make her more sick.

She wished to feel better, to feel clean, rested...

Ciel had gotten up earlier to attend to his regular schedule. While the servants (Sebastian included) insist you get rest.

________ forced herself up and sighed, she had seen the servants run the bath several times, and so she did. It was so bad, well, that was as soon as she came out of the bath tub, and ran straight for a towel. She shivered as she looked for a clean nightgown, she struggled greatly, trying to put it over her head. She brushed her tangled hair, trying to loosen the knots, once her hair was dried and no tangles could be felt, she laid back down and sighed.

She snuggled into the pillows, she wished to see Ciel, he was just the one person who could cheer her up.

Then a small growl was heard, ________ sighed "Of course I'm hungry..."

But she didn't want to pester anyone, it was embarrassing to just simply go down the stairs in her nightgown.

The rumbling was getting worse, she rolled over and held her pain in.

"If this is painful...how am I going to give birth?" _______ hissed.


Ciel bit a piece of his cake as he read his book about the Renaissance. The art was beautiful...

Like _________...

Ciel blinked. Wait, what? He wasn't supposed to think about that.

It was slightly embarrassing that he was thinking such things about ________.

"I kissed her once...that's as close as I'm going to get-"

Ciel blushed "Of course that's how it's going to be. It's not like I'm going to...do anything...with her."

"My, my sir. I never thought you actually think such things of the young mistress."

Ciel looked up, seeing Sebastian smirking. Ciel's embarrassment grew obvious on his flushed face.

"Well it's natural for a human at your age to feel...things for another individual."

"Shut up." Ciel grumbled.

Sebastian chuckled "As you wish."

But Ciel's eyes widened "________, she has to be awake by now...and she hasn't eaten anything."

Worry started to swell in the young Earl's mind "Sebastian prepare a meal for ________, but bring it to her so she may eat in bed...I can't have her moving when she's sick."

Sebastian smirked at his concern "Right away, sir."

Ciel laid back in his chair, he was worrying too much.

"Dammit, I can't keep worrying in over my head about a simple paw-"

The Earl stopped his words. He bit them back because of what a horrible word that nearly slipped.

_________ wasn't a pawn, she wasn't a servant, a tool...no. For now, Ciel couldn't determine where she belonged on his chess board.

He felt something in his pocket, he pulled out whatever was in his pocket and saw.

The Queen Chess Piece.

Ciel's eyes narrowed in confusion "Did I take it with me by accident?"

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