Sentai vs. Rider..

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Im gonna copy yours, hammie

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Y/n: Im gonna copy yours, hammie.
*Inserts Kyutama*

Futago Kyutama!

Y/n: *pulls the globe back*

Seiza Attack!

Y/n aimed at the Hikari globe and shot at it, causing the globe to glow and a duplicate appears onto his hand..

Y/n: *to hammie* Together?

Hammie: *nods*

(Your name)/Hammie: *inserts Kyutamas*

Hikari Kyutama!

Taiyou mode (y/n)

Tsuki mode (Hammie)

Both Kyurangers slided their Kyutama to the front as the change commence..

Seiza Change!

Y/n: Shining Star! Taiyou Arikőn White!

Hammie: Moody Star.. Chameleon Green moon

Y/n: Let's go! *charges at genm*

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Y/n: Let's go! *charges at genm*

Y/n blinds genm with the power of of sunlight and landed a punch on his face, then with a roundhouse kick to the jaw..

Genm: Argh! Insignificant pest!

He then attempted to slammed the two wheels on both K'yurangers, but they kept dodging..

Why must you treat me this way: Bully RWBY girls x Male Kyuranger readerWhere stories live. Discover now