chapter 2: new girl.

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"Pumpkin. Wake up hun" I awoke being shacked quite hard. I noticed right away the pain in my neck and groaned. After awhile of being awake but still having my eyes closed I painfully opened them. We were alone in our "new" house. How did we get here?

Then I had to guess Dad had carried me off the plane and into the car and house. Cracking a chuckle in my head at the old man carrying me and still managing to bring our luggage. I had woke up in what would be my room. It was very spacious. My furniture couldn't even fell up the room. but I really only liked how old it looked.

It had character. It had old dark wood floors that would squeak occasionally. These fading lavender colored walls. with brown trim midway of the wall. And it had the most beautifully bay window I had ever saw. It was at the other end of my bedroom facing the big oak trees that separated the backyard and the woods. It was massive. Enough for to people to sleep on in opposite directions.

"Do you like it?" stunned that my Dad was still in here. I turned around and could feel the big chesser I had plastered on my face. Nodding vigorously.

"I really love it, its beautiful Dad!" and I really did. It was fascinating. distracting me from my friends.

"I'm glad you do and you should get ready for school, you don't wanna be late on your first day do you?" he said taking a sip from his mug. Coffee I could smell it. Why didn't I notice he was dressed? And what?! Fist day?

"Um Dad it's Sunday?" isn't it? We left at 9pm unexpectedly I did NOT sleep the whole Sunday. Did I? As of Dad could read my mind he answered with a "yes you did" and laughed at me. I ran to my phone for the time and it was 5am Monday morning. Oh My God. I ran to the shower.

Rubbing and massaged my strawberry shampoo and matching body wash. I got out and went to my room. Now I had to find an outfit in one of my luggaged bags. I went to blow dry my hair because I wanted my bangs to settle perfectly.

I'm going to need to trim them so they could settle above my eyebrows. Brushing my teeth and curling my eyelashes and swooping massacre but not drenching them like other girls. Ha at them, and apply chap stick I went back to my room to find my outfit.

Ok Nora do you want to impress or look like a hobo today. what do you feel like.

I might as we'll impress it is the first day of school technically. So ripping my bags all open I looked for my black skinnys a plain baggy grey knitted sweeter "Dads" and my new green coat I got at the thrift store back at home since no stores had winter clothes. A infinity scarf and my old converse. Oh and to top it off a baggy beanie to hide my hair except the tips and my bangs.

Nice mix up Nora still hobo but fresh.

"Dad! I'm ready!" packing my bag with school essentials. pencils paper notebook highlighter. Jogging down stairs to see fresh muffins. Yum. Plopping down in the chair I started to eat my muffin we'll Dad discussed transportation and what not.

"Yeah yeah yeah ok Dad I know I have a phone you know." I said with food in my mouth. Having little crumbs of the muffin fly out making my laugh as Dad gave a disgusted look.

"Ok then kiddo. You know your nasty?" he was laughing now when I stopped and have him a whatever look. "I'll be in the car".

After throwing away my napkin I got my coffee container and filled it up to the top and sealed it. Locking up and heading out I fully took in everything. The green was all around. But it was breath taking. And that's when I turned to see out old house and it was a faded burgundy old farm house with white shutters. Wow.


"I'll call you Dad. Bye love you!" making my way out and heading up to the school. I could help but notice the stares I was getting. Ok guys I'm the new girl. You already got a look now look away! But no they believe in staring. Once inside the office I was welcomed by this stubby 30 or less yr old women with curly hair.

" Hi dear! You must be Nora! I have you schedule here" omg ok why are you yelling miss? Feeling quite awkward and frightened with her yelling I grabbed my schedule and left right away only leaving her with a nervous laugh.

Checking what I had for first period I was pushed roughly making me drop my schedule. "Ugh!-" I scramble to get my paper and got up in time to look at this kid who looked like he belonged in the movie Grease expect for the high waisted mom grand they wore. Catching he's snort and he kept walking.

"Dickhead" I said loud enough for him and everyone else around me to hear. Checking my schedule again and seeing I had drama class first. Awesome.

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