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He said he disliked loud places as well as too many people, but here he is dancing with me, ignoring the strange stares from a handful of the guest and the glare of my mother. 

When we walked in hand in hand, with Jinyoung smiling brightly as well as I because I could never resist not to smile at his adorable face.  I don't remember what I said or what he saw that made him laugh but whatever it was I am glad that it helped him forget about  those rude paparazzi that kept yelling at him to pose for them thinking that he was just another common donor. 

"Is it me or are their stares have gotten a whole lot meaner and---"

"It's not just you, Jinyoung, but just ignore them. They are just jealous that they don't have a dance partner as handsome as me." 

Turning rosy pink he throws his head back in laughter and I can't help but look at him smiling admiring his beauty. He is indeed a handsome, a very handsome man that anyone will be lucky to have call him husband and wake up next to him every morning and embrace him at night or at nay time they please; to make love with him to call him theirs. 

"Oh! Mark! are you always this---"

"May I have your attention everyone!---", my father says over the microphone, "Thank you for coming here tonight in support for a great cause.  My wife was feeling unwell so she retired earlier.  In a few short minutes the auction will begin. Please continue to enjoy yourselves until the auction begins" with that my father leaves the stage 

"I thought that this was just about donating  money for the cause and not receiving anything in exchange for the deed made from the heart" Jinyoung says as he places his head on my shoulder 

"Are you sure that you want to place your head there?"

"Why? does it bother you?" he asks lifting his head from my shoulder making me immediately miss his warmth 

"No... not at all Jinyoung. I was just saying since I am shorter than you and you are bending---"

"I'm fine mark, I prefer this than leaning on a taller man"

I  smile at his statement. 

I don't know why, or maybe I do but don't want to name it yet , being next to Jinyoung is as easy as breathing. He is so easy to love and take care of. He does have his bad days, just like any other person, but most of the time he is just wonderful. He is smart, elegant, caring, kind, and an amazing cook, with a mean strawberry cake which normally I would  hate but his is different. An even when he is mad and will start a fight with someone just for looking a him for longer than a second, he is still adorable and breathtaking. 

Mark Tuan's father

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Mark Tuan's father

I watch them dance, looking so peaceful even will all the glares that they are receiving. I have never seen my son so content and calm. Usually he is always on edge, ready to right someone that gets a little to close. It was a beautiful thing to see, him being so comfortable on the presence of another person, I have never seen him like these, not even with his friends from childhood.

It was a shame my wife has decided to place more importance to the opinion of others than the smile on Mark's face. Since he was a child he has always been reserved. Sure he would laugh with us and have a good time, specially with his nieces, but somehow his smiles from back then seem so dull compare to the one he has on right now.

Park Jinyoung, I have known him since Mark started college. He was a quiet man back then with a lot on his plate that many would not be able to handle, yet he did and shined so bright while doing so. Without the support of his parents economically for his education, I'm sure that it was tough on him, yet he surpassed all expectation turing into a wonderful young man. 

There has been only one occasion in which I had the opportunity to talk to him. I thought he was going to be immature like my son, but I was surprised how down to earth he was. In my short conversation with him, I have never felt more stupid than when I did while talking to him. It was not the intelligence that is utilized in schools but that one that is applied to the everyday life. He is so different, mature, and independent, but he is also vulnerable, very vulnerable. He tried so hard to hide it and he succeeds but I can tell he was suffering, and my only hope now is that he is in a better mentality. 

He is very good thing, and if my son decides that being with him is what he wants and makes him happy than he has my full support and understanding. They both do. 

"They make a fantastic couple, don't you think" Mr. Park says to my right 

"They do. You will support your son after this gets out?"

"There is no questioning that. My son deserves to be happy after all he went through in the past"

"His past?"

"Yes. he has a troubled past and all because we didn't support him"

"Are you ever going to tell me?"

"Someday I will"

Shaking my head at Jinyoung's dad, I look back at our kids. They would have grown up together as friends. Mark is older by a year but, still they would have grown up as friends but because of a misunderstandment I ended my friendship with Park. It was not until Mark and Jinyoung became roommates that I saw Park again. It wa during winter break and I came to give Mark his present since that year we were unable to be with him. When I was walking out of the dorm, that is when I saw Park. 

From that they on we continued to talk, we resolved all the misunderstandings behind our wives back. Our wives hate each other for a reason that they only know. 

But looking at the kids now, I think that it was better this way. They have their own experiences with common ground that allows them to bond. 

My only wish is for both of them to be happy and if they decide to be together, to start a family.  

Thank you for reading :)

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Thank you for reading :)

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