7. Last Match - Part 2

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Their respective weapons start to heat, Boruto have a chance to finish off Sarada using Chakra Cannon

Boruto: Goodbye, Sarada (machine sounds)
Sarada: Heh

She defend herself fery easy, because of her Raikiri

Boruto: Almighty Push
Sarada: Kirin!

their bodies are drastically weakened, due to the physical damage and chakra consumption

As the final blow at Boruto, she start to stab him, but Boruto counters it with Boruto's Six Path of Pain, he grabs Raikiri and planned to stab her in the chest

She evades but in one price, her right arm decapitated, and she falls down, he picks a victor

Naruto: so, in the end, the victor is only one person

Boruto sees her weakened body, and he realise what have he done

Boruto: Sarada! Sarada! SARADA!
Naruto: She still alive
Boruto: Let's take her to the hospital
A chirping bird wakes her up, and she feel blinded by a sunrise, yet she feels very different

She notices a young man sleeps besides her, a yellow haired young man sleeps like he's endure something, something makes him change

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