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Standing in front of the door to go into the reception of the casino, the bouncer couldn't wait until his 6am finish. He had almost done half of his ten hour shift when at half past midnight he told his two colleagues at the door he was taking his thirty minute break.

Off he went. Through reception, on to the casino floor taking a quick look around to make sure everyone was having a good night. Every one seemed happy. He passed a few smiles to the drunken gamblers as he headed up the stairs to the staff lounge. Inside, there was a vending machine from which he got a can of irn bru.

The bouncer made his way back through to the casino dining area so he could go outside on the balcony and take a seat as he sipped on his bru, snout in hand. The view was the Clyde. The night was calm which made for a great reflection of street lights upon the water. Before he knew it, one can of irn bru and two snouts later, his brake was over. He made his way back into the dining area and strolled with a sense of readiness to go down the stairs and outside to the front door. He wasn't ready for what happened next.

A few moments after he stepped outside, he looked at his colleague and stated that he could smell cannabis. This was to be partly confirmed as his colleague spoke of a female going round the corner and coming back smelling of it. They both worked on the door yet again with time passing by at what seemed like a snail pace. They held open their doors to let people in and out of the casino giving them hello's and goodbye's.

Then, about 20 minutes after returning to the door, the bouncer opened it to let out a short female. She stood at around 5"3 with long blonde hair that made her blue eyes stand out more. Her petite body caught the tension of the other bouncer as he moved closer to whisper:

"That's her. She's the one that's been smoking weed."

This time she just had an ordinary cigarette. So nothing was said or done about the cannabis. As she was heading back Inside, our favourite bouncer tried to check out her eyes to see if they were red but at six foot two inches, he was too tall to check without it looking suspicious.

The very same girl came back out later on. It was obvious that she had drank more alcohol since leaving the first time. She asked the bouncer if he had any fags. He did not but what he did posses was a packet of tobacco so he asked her if she was able to roll.

"Yes" she said. Her voice ever so soft yet captivating. What came out her mouth next put the bouncer in an epidemic.

"Come and smoke a joint"

Who was this bouncer to refuse a joint. He rarely ever did and this was one of those times sadly.

"I can't smoke It, I'm at work" said the bouncer in his deep, seductive and sultry voice.

"Just come, it will be fine" she spoke.

They both went back and forward with these words as around a dozen people were waiting to enter the casino.

"Can I have a hug?" The maiden asked the door supervisor.

He was a professional, up to a few moments later at least. With all the people waiting to get inside, he wanted to display a sense of expertise. This worked for a split second until he noticed the puppy dog eyes on the female.

Without wasting another second, he reached both arms out and said:

"Come here and get your hug"

She had ran and been in his arms before he could even finish the sentence. They both hugged as the crowd of soon to be drunken messes and sore losers looked on.

The bouncer pulled away from her body while her hands were still around his neck and his still upon her waist. His blue amd greenish eyes were looking into her green eyes that---

"Can I get a kiss?" She asked out of the blue.

The bouncer looked down into her eyes and smiled as he looked at her lips and said:

"If you can reach"

She gave it her Best, trying to pull him down with her hands still around her neck. She even went on her toes to try and reach. She was unable to accomplish the mission.

"Just give her a kiss"
"We won't say a thing"
"Do It"

These were all the things let free from the mouths of the pending customers.

He never took his eyes off her as he thought about it. He wasn't sure what to do: be professional or act out of character. Moving his eyes down to her lips made him decide. He gently placed his lips against hers which were rose petal soft. He put a stop to it quickly as if it never happened. It was a win win. She got her kiss and he still looked like a respectable bouncer.

After he ended the kiss, he found that his hands were still around her waist and hers around his neck. He glanced away from her and looked at the crowd. He estimated a dozen people still waiting. His eyes them moved to the casino's CCTV camera, positioned so that it was watching him and his every move.

The heavenly angel in the bouncers arms then told him to try again before pouring her lips once more.

It was a predicament. The CCTV. The crown. The wanting to be a professional.

He stared her in the eyes one more time. Her green eyes sparkled in the limited light as his hands got a little firmer on her as he pulled her towards him and she went on her toes as he looked at her lips knowing fine well what she wanted. He began wanting it too. He moved his head down and gave her the kiss that she wanted. 

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