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Meg and I walked into my house and she took a shower. I made some dinner for us. A few minutes later Meg stumbled out of the bathroom with Holiday's old bathrobe on. It was pink and fluffy, and for some reason she got one with an M on it for Milo. Meg thought I got her one because it had and M on it. "Thiswas so sweet of you to get me a robe!" she chirped. "That's Holiday's. She put an M on it for Milo but I guess it can be for Meg," I explained. "OH!! OK!" she squeeled. "Cheese burgers are ready, Meg," I told her. "OK!!! Thanks!" she said. Then she got her close on in the bathroom. I waited for 5 minutes until she finally cam out. It was the middle of summer so she was wearing a purple night gown that came down to her knees, fuzzy blue slippers, and on her gown it had 2 big M's writted in sharpie. Fresh sharpie. "Did you just now write those ms for Milo and Meg??" I asked her. "Yes," she responded happily. Then we sat down, and ate. After words we got on my sofa and watched The Wizered of OZ, The Lion King, and Suicide Sqaude. Meg fell asleep on my lap. Then I fell asleep because it was 1:03am.

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