Chapter 1

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"Hey!" I shouted, trying to catch his attention, pushing through the large mass of people that were flooding the hallway. We had been separated from each other in the stampede adults call a hallway. "Sherlock!"

I saw him turn, a slightly startled look on his face, and I waved energetically. I pushed my way through the crowded hallway, and finally got to him. He was standing stock still in the middle of the hallway, looking at me with a straight face.

"Hey Charlotte," he said monotonically.

"Oh come on!" I said. "You've got to be excited! It's our first day of high-school!" I got no reaction. I sighed, and said, "Well, what classes do you have? Maybe we have some of the same ones."

This got a reaction from him. He pulled out his schedule, and I pulled out mine. We had the exact same classes.

"I persuaded the principal to give us the same classes," Sherlock said.

"Did you blackmail her?" I asked, frowning.

"No, she owed me a favor. She was going to be arrested for drug use, and I provided evidence that it was her husband," Sherlock said smugly.

"Oh, Sherlock!" I said, trying to contain a laugh.

"Shall we continue to Homeroom?" Sherlock asked.

"Yes, yes we shall," I said, imitating his tone of voice. For that, I got a rare smile.



We arrived at homeroom just as the bell rang. Sherlock slipped into a seat at the front of the class, and I sat down beside him. He looked at the teacher scrutinizingly, and I knew he was deducing her.

"Give my apologies to Miss Cline, and tell her I hope her cold clears up soon so she can teach us and you can go back to running your daycare," Sherlock said.

I face-palmed.



"I give my deepest condolences to you on the loss of your 3rd husband, and I hope that you have  better luck with the fourth one tonight."

I smacked him upside the head.



"I'm sorry you didn't get the job you wanted, and that your husband just left you for your neighbor."

I buried my head in my hands.



"You're cheating on your wife with the Librarian, but she's cheating on you with the secretary of her office, so you don't need to worry about the divorce papers."

I banged my head against the wall.


On the bus:

"Did you really have to deduce every single teacher in the school?" I asked, exasperated.

"I thought I'd make a good first impression," Sherlock said.

I sighed. "Sherlock, we really need to work on your people skills."

I felt a thump from the seat behind us as someone sat there.

"Hey, Belle," the boy behind us said.

I sighed, and looked over at Sherlock.

"New record!" I said sarcastically. "Fastest amount of time someone has asked me out!"

"Belle!" The boy said again.

I turned around. "Yes?" I asked sweetly.

"Would you go out with me Belle?" The boy asked, lovestruck.

"My name's not Belle," I said.

"I know," the boy said. "But you're a beauty and you hanging out with a beast."

My eyes hardened, and I saw Sherlock instinctively straighten up, meaning he was hurt. I balled up my fists and I punched the boy, hard in the jaw. Cat-calls and wolf-whistles erupted throughout the bus. I shook out my fist, and said to the boy, "In case you couldn't get that through that thick head of yours, that's a 'NO!'"

I turned around, and sat back down beside Sherlock.

"Nice punch," he commented.

"Thanks," I said. "I hope I broke something. If not, he'll have a nasty bruise in the morning."

Sherlock laughed, a loud barking, "HA!"

I burst into laughter.

The Tables Are Turned (Sherlock x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя