Chapter 6

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I woke the next day with aching legs and clothes in a pile beside the bed. I rolled over to find Sherlock staring at me with his beautifully multicolored eyes.

'Can you hear yet?' He mouthed, and I shook my head sadly.

He pulled me into a hug and tapped Morse Code on my shoulder. 'I'm Sorry.'

I nodded into his shoulder, and we pulled away to get dressed, Sherlock's eyes on me at all times. We ate our toast and dashed out to catch the bus.

All the boys' eyes were on me until I kissed Sherlock, then they looked away and sighed.

The bus ride was relatively normal except for near the end. Richard Brooks hit on me again, and he and Sherlock nearly got into a fist fight, but the bus driver intervened.

In Focus we were all forced to go on a walk throughout the school; some stupid school rule was that kids had to do some form of exercise at least once a week. And of course, we were paired up with our seat partners. I suppose the teachers thought the murderer wouldn't attack more than one person at a time. Idiots.

We all had to walk in a straight line, and Richard Brooks and I were at the very back of the line, while Sherlock and his seat partner Ella were first in line.

We walked around the school and I was so done with Richard's flirting, even if I couldn't hear it.

'Just shut up!' I snapped, and he thankfully fell silent.

We turned a corner, and that's when it happened. A syringe was stuck into my neck and I panicked. I tried to speak but I couldn't seem to move my mouth, or any of my limbs for that matter. I was thrown to the ground, and I saw Richard Brooks put on a pair of latex gloves then pull a knife from his belt and he dragged the knife over my skin painfully, making fire erupt all over my body. He cut me all over my arms and legs, and then slit the skin above my throat. He tore off the latex gloves and chopped them up into dozens of tiny pieces as I felt myself fade away. The last thing I remembered before I blacked out was Richard throwing the latex gloves in a nearby trash can and his lips moving, calling out, 'Help!'

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