Ch.1-New kids

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One day there was a small and a pretty king.he got married from a beautiful woman.they bring two brothers.the king and the queen was so happy.for the two boys they were having.

There was a blue one and a red one.the blue one looked like a mug and the red one like a cup.
But the parents never cares about this, they was just happy for having those beautiful brothers.

The blue one was named by:
But they call him "Mug"/"Muggy"(the parents)
But the red one was named by:
But they call him "Cup"/"Cuppy"(the parents).

Those two was lucky for having those children; because people loved them so much and treated them very beautiful.
Cup wasn't so cute.he was a bit rude than his brother mug.
Mug was the cutest and the smarter but cup was smart too!
But...not like his brother...

🔊 this isn't the real story!
It's a fan story!🔊
Anyway I hope you enjoy!^^
Sorry for my bad English:v
             Bye Bye!(●´ϖ'●)

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