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Dai abre los ojos grandes y aunque se muere de ganas de decirle que si niega con la cabeza y hasta se muestra molesta

Dai: Why don’t we just live the moment? And enjoy it one day at a time? – Harry vuelve a enojarse – No. wait!

Harry: What?

Dai: You’re angry!

Harry: Is just that

Dai: Harry! One day ago you said you didn’t dump your girlfriend cause you didn’t know if we will last…

Harry: I think it’s up to us and if you don’t wanna come with me, we won’t see eachother and

Dai: Harry! I…

Harry: I’m sorry. I’m not like this, but I kinda… Well I really like you, the way you are, you’re amazing, you make me feel so good and I love the way I am when I’m with you and I love to be with you

Dai: Harry. I think this is like the highlight of my life. Just the fact of knowing you and hearing you talking to me and saying things like that are enough for me! I don’t wanna say it out loud so I can pretend that I don’t feel it but I love you! – Harry sonríe – And my friends were kinda surprised cause I forgive you but the truth is that I can’t stay mad at you for anything. I… I don’t know if I could ever explain it but I’m sure that you can do anything to me and I will always forgive you. Cause you’re already too much for me and I could stand anything –Harry mira a Dai como nunca nadie la miró antes. Le quita un mechón de pelo de la cara

Harry: Then do this for me. Why you don’t wanna come with me?

Dai: I don’t have the enough money to travel nowhere. I don’t have a Visa. I don’t have anything

Harry: It’s all on me. Come on

Dai: NO! I wanna travel when I have the money and I can afford a decent hotel room – Harry se ríe – And this may sound stupid, but it’s kinda different. I mean, I am proud, I accept it but I remember that when I read 50 Shades I used to insult Anna cause she never wanted to accept Christian’s gifts – Harry comienza a reirse – Cause I was like of course I will accept my boyfriend’s gifts. I mean is my boyfriend! But you’re not like Christian I mean, maybe in a way, cause I feel like you are the love of my life, I mean I felt it since I first saw you, even without know you at all but in other ways, well I mean they had sex, they were like living together and he was just a guy, but you are Harry, from One Direction and everybody knows you and just like you I do care what people think about me and I may not resist a million people saying I’m a whore that I’m not good enough for you that I’m taking an advantage

Harry: You shouldn’t care what people think about you

Dai: Right, but I do

Harry: Me too, but you take away that fear from me. I mean I took you to public places and I would love to tell the world you are a fan, my biggest fan and that I fell for you cause you’re true and awesome – Harry apoya ambas manos en las mejillas de Dai. Dai comienza a llorar

Dai: We have a lots of days to be together, right? Let’s enjoy it and maybe I can stay for a couple more days

Harry: Haha! I’m really tired – dice y besa a Dai en la boca

Dai: Ok – dice golpeándole la pierna – Let’s go to bed! – Dai se quita la campera y la cuelga en su ropero, busca un pijama y Harry se quita la remera. Dai se queda viéndolo y se le acerca. Harry le sonríe y Dai recorre el pecho de Harry con ambas manos

Harry: Can I see it? – Dai levanta la vista y se encuentra con los ojos de Harry

Dai: What?

Harry: My tattoo! – Dai sonríe

Dai: Is in my arm… - responde y Harry se agacha un poco y tomando el final del vestido de Dai comienza a levantarlo y Dai levanta los brazos. Se lo quita y Dai queda en bombacha y corpiño frente a él. Harry la examina de pies a cabeza y se detiene en sus ojos. Sonríe y arquea las cejas. Dai estira el brazo y le muestra el Styles. Harry lo toca y sonríe

Harry: You’re crazy!

Dai: You think? – le da un beso y Harry se quita los zapatos, las medias y el pantalón

Harry: You have a pijama for me?

Dai: I have a question – Harry frunce el ceño – You really sleep naked?

Harry: You want me to sleep naked? – dice y comienza a bajarse el sleep. Dai le da la espalda y comienza a reirse

Dai: Ajajajaja nononono! – se cubre los ojos y Harry se le acerca por atrás y la rodea por la cintura – Stop!

Harry: I sleep naked yeah or with a slip. If you don’t have a pijama – Dai le tira un pantalón del pijama de Nat

Dai: That should fitt you! – le dice riéndose y se pone una remera larga y una calza corta para dormir (es lo que usa siempre para dormir)

Harry: So… - dice señalando la cama de Dai – Where are we going to sleep?

Dai: As you can see, we’re poor, that’s why our beds are so little!

Harry: There’s always romm for both of us! – dice sonriendo y ambos se acuestan en la cama de Dai. Se ponen de costado y se duermen haciendo cucharita.

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