Chapter II: Storm Zion

Start from the beginning

"What do you want I have to get on the bus." I say.

"Nothing." He laughed.

I walked away quickly as it was 3:10 pm and I knew my bus was already filled. We get out at 3:06 but our bus was severely overly crowded there were always three people to a seat.

I sighed loudly at the full bus.

I'd walk if I didn't live two hours away. Luckily my cousin had me a seat.

"Nigga scoot your ugly ass over before this nigga takes off." I said jokingly.

My cousin was a senior this year and I guess that made his ass feel 'entitled.'

"Sit somewhere else nigga." He said seriously.

I sat down on his lap, "move nigga."

He finally moved over and had the audacity to have an attitude. Nigga got an attitude for no reason. He knew I was coming and he knew how crowded it was.

I shook my head in disbelief.

I had one more week of this bullshit before track started so I maintained my composure. That was by far the longest week of the year.

It says something about the bus because everyone on the team knows I hated track. Track had its perks though, mostly gossip and some gay ass shit in the locker room and on the track.

Now next week let me just say this, it's where 'it' all started for me. It was now the first day of track practice.

I checked my name off the attendance list then took a seat in the bleachers. I saw no familiar faces yet so I sat quietly listening to 'Lil Kim - Queen Bitch (ft. Aaliyah)' . I'm an old head if you haven't guessed already, but I'm still hip though.

I looked up and I saw Orlando walk in so I propped my hood up. I watched him check his name. He looked around for familiar faces he couldn't find anybody so he sat alone.

I chuckled to myself.

I snapped a picture of him alone and saved it to My Memories. I laughed too soon my friend Jason's loud ass walked in with Isaiah.

"Antonio!" He yelled in his indoor voice.

Orlando's eyes lit up when he looked up and saw me, Jason, and Isaiah. He ran up the bleachers.

"Fuck." I groaned.

"Bruh that was you?" He said laughing.

I gave a fake laugh, "I saw you come in."

"For real?" He chuckles.

I nod.

Jason slapped my neck.

"What nigga?" I answered.

"You got shorts bro?" He asked

"No," I tell Him

"We're not doing switch today anyway." Isaiah said.

This season will be interesting.

"Lando, you're doing track this year?" Jason asked.

"Duh," Isaiah answered for him.

"Damn I was just asking a question," Jason said.

"Well obviously if he's here he's doing track." Isaiah said with hostility.

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