JOBS :) :(

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***Cassie POV***

"I DON'T WANT TO GET A JOB" me and Kaitlyn both scream at Hayes and Dylan

"PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GET A JOB I'M STUPID,PLEASE DONT MAKE ME GET A JOB" Kaitlyn said huggind and crying on Dylan

"Maybe we shouldn't make them get a job" Dylan said to and we got happy

"They are getting a job"


"So you wouldn't love me forever if I made you get a job"



"I am building up my famousness"

"BUT WE ARE STUPID AND WE HAVE YOU GUYS I MEAN I LOVE YOU" Kaitlyn said still crying and I started crying too.

"I love you too and you are still get a job" 

"I hate you"

"Me too" I agreed with Kaitlyn and me and her went to my room and locked the door.

"Now we can stay in here forever so we don't have to get a job" Kaitlyn said and I nodded my head

"Wait what about food"

"In the middle of the night we can sneak out and get food"


"Wait aren't there keys for the locks"

"Crap maybe they won't think about that"

"Yeah" she said and we turned on the tv and put the it really loud

"I'm hungry" Kaitlyn said 

"Me too"

"What are we going to do"

"Maybe in the middle of the night we can sneak out to your house"

"Ok do you think they are listening to this"

"No the tv is to loud"


***Few Hours Later***

I unlocked the door and then we snuck out the window and into my car. Kaitlyn's car was still at her house. We drove to Starbucks and then her house. Went we got inside we fell asleep on the couch

***Next Morning***

We woke up and saw Hayes and Dylan standing in front of us

"What do you guys want"

"We came to say sorry about yesturday, we shouldn't have made you guys get a job" Dylan said

"Yeah so we wanted to make it up to you guys an d take you out to breakfast"

"Ok we will get ready" Kaitlyn said

"Wait I have no clothes to wear today"

"I brought you clothes and I had Madison pick them out"

"Ok thanks" I said and we got dressed and then we all hopped in the car Hayes and Dylan got to sit in the front. We were going to Denny's. We went to Denny's and we ate. After we finished we jumped back in the car and they weren't driving home

"Where are we going" Cassie said

"You guys first jop interveiw" Hayes said with a smirk

"STICK ME THE TRUCK" Kaitlyn screamed

"No ypu are going to the job interveiw at Hot Topic"

"I love that store but I don't want to work there or anywhere" I said

"I'm not getting out of the car" Kaitlyn said

"I will drag you out no matter what it takes"

"I'll hit you were the sun don't shine"

"I'll pick you up so you can't"

"I hate you guys" me and Kaitlyn both said.

Soon we arrived  at the mall and we didnt move. 

"Dont make us." Said Hayes

"But we don't want to get up" Kaitlyn said 


"If we didn't want to but I guess we have too" Hayes said and then they got out if the car and came to us. They opened the door and then picked us up braidly style and took us inside luckly there was barely anyone there. They put us down when we got to hot topic.

"Hey how can we help you" one of the workers asked

"They are here for their job interveiw"

"Ok, you guys are Kaitlyn and Cassie right"


"Ok, well you guys can be working behind the counter."

"Ok, well we will come pick you up later" Hayes said and then they left and we got to work. It was pretty easy. All we had to do was check people out. 

It was soon our lunch break. We had like $10 with us so we went to Starbcuks and Cold Stone and ate that. Our lunch break was on;y 15 minutes so we had to eat fast and we went back to our jobs. 


We were now done with our first job. 

"That was easy" I said


"How are we getting home"

"We can just call Dylan and Hayes and have them pick us up"

"Yeah but I'm still mad at them for making uas do this but it was fun"

'Yeah we can text them and then have them pick us up and we can go home"

"Ok" I said and then soon they came Kaitlyn and Dylan got dropped off at their house and me and Hayes went to our house I didn't talk to him the whole ride home. No one talked the way home. I went straight to my room and shut the door I didn't lock it though. I turned on the tv. Hayes came in and sat next to me.

"Are you really that mad at me" he asked and I didn't answer him just looked at the tv.

"Cassie talk to me please" he said and I wanted to talk but I decide not to. H e kissed my cheek. I tried not to smile but it didn't work. I had a little smile on my face.

"Hey I saw that" he said and started tickling me

"HAYES STOP IT" I said laughing

"You finally spoke"

"Oh shut up"

"Are you really this mad at me"

"A little" I said and he gave me the 'really' look


"You really weren't talking to me because I made you get a job"



"Can you be quite I'm trying to watch tv" i said and he got up and turned off the tv and took the remote

"Hayes, I just want to watch TV"

"Yeah" he said putting the remote behind his back. So I walked over to him and tried getting it but it didn't work

"Hayes can I please have the remote"

"Yes but only if you kiss me"

"Ok" I said and kissed his cheek

"Now can I have the remote"



"Kiss me on the lips then you can have the remote"

"Ugh you suck" I say and kisses his lips and take the remote from him and we lay down. I turn on American Horror Stories. I cuddle up with Hayes and fall asleep with my head on his chest and my arms and legs rapped around him. He had his arm around me.

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