Part 7: Into The Deep End

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(A/N: So originally this was a lot better and complete different. Due to a problem that file is now gone so i stopped writing for a while and during that nothing a wrote seemed right so this is the best you'll get unfortunately sorry about that.)


When you woke up you were met by snipe casually waiting for you.

Snipe: Hello to ya!

He says tipping his hat slightly towards you while maintaining his position leaning against a wall

(Y/n): Hi snipe why are you here?

Snipe: All might has asked me to come. I was a good friend to your dad. In fact, he helped me with my powers and I'm here to return that favour according to your medical results you can't control your powers and unleash all you have in an instant which causes you to only use your powers for a couple of moments. This is having an effect in the oxygen in your blood steam hence the blood like tears that come from your eyes. When you use your powers without control you grab the oxygen in your blood and miniplate it expanding it, if this continues your blood could end up unable to flow through your body.

You sat their mouth agape by what you were being told, it made you thankful for your restraint.

Snipe: There are two reasons for this. The first being the restraint you had on your powers since there where unused for so long they had a lot of unspent use if you get me. The second reason since your dad died nobody taught you how to use your powers. You never learnt true restraint, control or accuracy. Which led your quirk to become untamed, inaccurate and dangerous.

(Y/n): Why are you telling me all this it's not like you are going to help. I mean how could you all you use is guns.

Snipe walked over to you slowly and shoved his gun in your face and spoke slowly.

Snipe: Do you have a problem with me teaching you or my guns?

Felting the cold steel on your face and being able to smell gunpowder You quickly panicked.

(Y/n) course not.

He relaxed a bit slotting the gun back into his holster. He grabbed you by the neck of your costume and started dragging you out of the room when he got to recovery girl he stopped.

Snipe: I need him now so I'll handle the paperwork tomorrow okay?

She just looked down at you and nodded. You started struggling and shouting annoyed at these events. He took out a cell phone and called someone.

Snipe: Hi (M/n) is it alright if a borrow (Y/n) for a bit tonight after school ends...Good okay thanks.

(Y/n): Where are we going?

Snipe: Your fathers old workshop, He used to go there all the time when he trained me and himself. If I am going to mentor you I wish to start immediately. Do you have a problem with that?

(Y/n): Yes!

Snipe: Good for you.

He continued to walk forward ignoring what I just said.


After a while you and snipe made it to the workshop. It was a big metal where house which blended into the city quite well considering nobody even noticed it. He had let you get changed and walk here rather than being dragged. As soon as snipe entered you could see dust move where he stepped obviously not being a used in a long time. He looked around and took a cellophane apple and placed it on a wood block he found.

The Last Breath (Boku No Hero Academia x Male Reader) OldWhere stories live. Discover now