Info About You

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Your Motive: You used to hang out with two kids when you were little, one had dark green messy hair while and the other while still having messy hair was more white-ish but after your dad died you became distant from them, you became distant from everyone you spent your time in his old gym downstairs training even though you were little. You deiced to enroll to U.A. High school when you got older despite skipping out on middle school to focus on training. You need to become a hero and avenge your dad otherwise what was the point of all of this training?

Your Quirk: Your able to control wind movement and mold it into small or giant whirlwinds and your able to shoot of tiny balls of air like bullets. This also enables you to fly through the air at fast speeds. (Other abilities of the quirk will be revealed at a later date.)

You're Attitude : You don't have a lot of people skills since you where training nearly all the time you talked to your mum now and again but that's it. When talking to people you may come off as rude or offensive since you haven't spoken to people before but still you have a degree of common sense. You tend to blend into the crowd and observe people more since you don't have a lot of experience yourself hoping you can learn from other people. You don't like teamwork but try and take other people's ideas into account at least but you tend to do your own thing, you also hate fighting people and use it as a last resort.

Your costume: Your costume is nearly completely armor since you can make yourself as light as air even so you still are able to move in this since you have a lot of strength built up from constant training you have got little pocks in you suit and gloves where you can hold air for emergency's. You don't have a helmet since you can use your breath as a weapon if need be, your costume is mostly white apart from you gloves which are black.

 You don't have a helmet since you can use your breath as a weapon if need be, your costume is mostly white apart from you gloves which are black

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Something like this^

(Y/N) = your first name

(L/N) = your last name

(H/C) = your hair color

(H/L) = your hair length

(E/C) = your eye color

(F/D) = your favorite drink

And lastly: Comments are always appreciated good or bad since it helps me grow as a writer keep in mind this is my first story I've posted also if you have any suggestions that you think may make the character better feel free to share them and I'll try and release this on a weekly basis.

The Last Breath (Boku No Hero Academia x Male Reader) OldWhere stories live. Discover now