The Real You

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Reid shuffles down the hallway in a heated fashion. His head spins with the thoughts about this case. How could he let these minor yet obvious details slip him by? He stops abruptly in front of the holding room. He takes a deep breath before bursting through the door.

"Hello, Spencer," says the charming and familiar voice.

Reid spots Ellen and almost instantly his whole speech planned in his head has vanished. He can barely stutter a hello at the first sight of those long legs propped upon the table. Her jacket is slightly up zipped to reveal the cut off tank.

"Uh," he says and snaps back to reality, "Do you have a minute?"

"Sure," she says with a smirk.

He cautiously slides a chair out of the opposite end of the table. He tries to focus his eyes on her face and nothing else. "Can you put your legs down so I can talk to you?"

As soon as her youthful legs are placed back under the table, Reid can feel the rage build back up inside him again. "First off, why did you make us bring in your ex boyfriend?" He asks.

"Like I said," she says and shifts her body forward to rest her elbows on her knees. "Chad is not what he looks like he is."

"Don't play that trick with me," he says sharply.

"Well, excuse me.." Her eyes drift to the floor, and her cheeks change to a deeper pink.

"We brought in him like you said we should. I listened to the whole interrogation," he says and sighs to calm himself. "Chad Nichols is innocent."

She gnaws on her lower lip. The guilt sets in on her eyes.

"I could have you arrested on the count of false information to a police, but since I am a nice guy it will not happen," he says and folds his arms over his chest. He raises a brow and waits for her reply.

She gulps and says, "Thank you." Her eyes avert back to him and almost tease him. "You are right about you being a nice guy."

"Another thing," he interjects with his voice slightly raised, "What were you doing at my house last night? Your grandmother was dead."

"I," she begins on the verge of tears but holds them down to speak, "I panicked, okay. I had no where to go after I called the police. Also, I had no one there to comfort me. I was scared." Her trembling hands hold her face tight.

He releases the breath he has been anxiously holding. He rises from his seat and walks around the table to squat down in front of her. His height gives him the advantage to be able to sit in front of her in be at her eye level. "Why me though?" He asks.

"I knew you could comfort me..." She says with a change in her tone, "And I wanted to do this one special thing." Her mouth purses and she leans down to him.

Reid backs away just in time to block her move. "What is wrong with you?" He says more dumbfounded over angry.

Ellen's eyes become more confused. This is not stopping her though. She turns away from him and places her legs back on the table. Reid stands up and hovers over her. "Tell me, dammit," he says out frustration.

"Come on, Spencer," she playfully teases him, "Just real quick." She reaches low before he can step back this time.

"No, and it is Dr. Reid to you," He says and he pushes her hands back into her lap.

She pokes her lower lip out in a pout. Her cross legs shift on the table as her skirt rises. "Please, oh please," she begs, "I really

He sighs and almost shouts, "You are a minor. I am not losing my position for you."

A blast of cool air comes in from behind. "Reid, what is going on in here?"

Criminal Minds FanFic- Dr. Spencer ReidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora