A New Case

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-Reid is dreaming -

"Come on, Spencer," the young girl playfully teases him, "Just real quick." She reaches low before he can back away.

"No, and it is Dr. Reid to you," Reid says and he pushes her hands back into her lap.

The girl pokes her lower lip out in a pout. Her cross legs shift on the desk as her skirt rises. "Please, oh please," she begs, "I really love you. I do."

He sighs and says, "You are a minor. I am not losing my position for you."


"Reid, wake up!" Agent Morgan says as he pushes against Reid's shoulder.

Reid jolts himself only to make the desk chair wobble and almost tip over. The stack of papers that were resting on his leg fall to the ground and disperse into clutter. "Oh, God," he groans as he drops to his knees to hurriedly gather his papers again.

"Get that together as fast as you can. Hotchner has a meeting scheduled in ten minutes," Morgan says and turns to leave.

Reid obeys and tries to collect things in order. The thoughts of his last dream still rest on his conscience. Now, he has had a history of elaborate and almost realistic dreams. They are usually to deal with the case files he is assigned. Nothing has Reid prepared for this next one though.

"Alright," begins Hotchner after Reid has taken his seat, "Here, we have two what were missing persons." He flashes a shot of an adult male and adult female on the projector screen. "The two bodies were identified as Carolyn and Mason Roschter. The two were found dead in their basement last Monday. However, their daughter was found hidden in the corner of the basement." He changes the picture to one of a beautiful girl of about fifteen. "There is no evidence against Ellen Roschter. This is where we come in."

The face on the screen looks oddly familiar to Reid. It is as if he had seen this girl somewhere before this.

"Ellen is being held in our facility for further questioning. We need two people to fulfill that task," says Rossi.

J.J. volunteers herself then glances around the room. Her eyes lock on Reid.

"Fine," he says, "I will help you in this."

"Come on, it will be simple. After all, she is only a little girl."

Criminal Minds FanFic- Dr. Spencer ReidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora