The Child in Questioning

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*Song Break- My Girl by Otis Redding*

Dr. Spencer Reid stares into the reflective glass at the young girl sitting so still in her chair. Her honey blonde hair is deshelvled and unkempt upon her round, youthful face. Her petite hands are so delicately folded on the steel table. Her face looks smooth under all the fear that had been placed on it. The bright yellow shirt she wears displays her age quite nicely.

However, the harsh white light makes her appear to be drained.

"To this day," J.J. says softly, "I still cannot imagine the fear placed on these children's minds as they are drug in here."

Reid turns his attention to J.J. and says, "It is not so much as fear on their minds. Fear is an emotion that creates guilt or self hatred sometimes."

"Can you leave the psychology out of this for just this once?" J. J. pleas. "Save it for later."

Reid smiles generously, revealing his premature wrinkles. "Fine."

J.J. pushes the door open and moves to let Reid in too. "My name is Agent Jennifer Jareau and this is my partner, Dr. Spencer Reid," she says as she motions to Reid.

The young girl stares with wide eyes back at them. "Why am I here?" She asks.

"The BAU is where you are. We are a team of FBI agents who are in charge of protecting those who are affected or affiliated with any crime that falls under certain catagories," J.J. says and takes a seat in front of the girl.

"How do you know about mommy and daddy?" She asks curiously.

Reid slides into his seat next to J. J. and pulls out a pen and his notebook. "Your parents have been involved in a homicide," Reid says, "Now, we have to question you about what happened the night of the murders since you are a witness."

The child gnaws on her lower lip. The thoughts of what happened that dreadful night still haunt her like it was yesterday. "What do you want to know first?" She asks.

"What is your name?" J. J. asks and looks at Reid to make sure he is writing this down.

"Ellen Roschter," she replies.

"What is your date of birth?" J.J. asks.

"May the fourteenth nineteen ninety nine," she answers.

The questions about her past continue for about twenty minutes before it becomes serious.

"Where were you the night of your parents disappearance ?" J.J. asks.

Ellen still flinches at the words "disappearance" or anything to deal with murder. "I was up in my room." She states and looks over at Reid. "Are you sure you want to write this down?" She asks him.

Reid stops his writing abruptly and nods his head.

J.J. asks, "What were you doing at the time?"

"I was working on my dancing for the Pep Rally," she says.

"What made you want to go down stairs and check on your parents?" J.J. asks.

"It was getting late, like almost midnight. I had not heard them come up." She says and her eyes drift to her hands.

"When you found your parents, where were they?" J.J. asks.

"They were not at home. I did not know where they were." She claims.

Reid is concentrating hard at this point. Things really were not adding up.

"Did you call the police?"

"Of course. They came by everyday after their town search and said there was still no sign of my mom and daddy." She says with a small catch in her throat.

"How long did it take for them to look in the basement?"

"It was whenever I went down to get something from the freezer... I saw their bodies." Her eyes widen at the memory so vivid.

"Then you called the police?"

The girl nods her head. The tears well up in her eyes and she hides her face from their view.

"I think we are done for today," J.J. says as she rises from her seat, "Thank you for your cooperation." She leans down to whisper in Reid's ear, "Could you stay with her until she calms down?"

"Sure," he says softly and watches J. J. exit. The door making a loud clatter as it shuts.

Through weeps, Ellen asks, "What is going to happen to me?"

Criminal Minds FanFic- Dr. Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now