Chapter 1: Darkened

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"Space as we know it never existed before the explosion that gave birth to the universe. The explosion as we know it today by the more popular name of "Big Bang", took place during the state of the primordial universe and please don't get me wrong, the word bang here refers to the explosion and nothing else, therefore, all the students laughing at the back kindly shut your mouth.

Now as I was explaining, this explosion shaped the universe as pieces of the core spread across the vast infinity  and after constant rotations they transformed into galaxies, then into smaller system of stars and finally into planets and some like our earth started to sustain life given, they had proper environment and fauna to nurture life like the ones we have."


"Well if that is the case, is it safe to assume that you believe planets other than the one we live in, also sustain life...?"
Asked a raven-haired kid from the front rows while trying to stand up using his walking aid.

The man standing on the pedestal was wearing a black coat and dark shaded pants, his trapezoid frame reached up to a height of six feet and his long white hair tied in a tail complemented his fair complexion well.
With the same authoritative voice, he continued while his black eyes stared at the boy...


"A very good question Mr. Stone but I am afraid the class is not interested to know about my personal beliefs over Roswell incident or the bodies found in Sector 11. So let's not waste time. Would you like to ask any other query pertaining to the topics?"

The kid went back to his seat without a further query. He knew professor Sardonicus well enough.
The man had been in this academy for the last ten years. No one knew where he came from. Not even the principal was aware of his past but they all agreed to the fact that this man knew how to teach and teach well, he did. His voice had the authority and confidence very few possessed naturally. 

The Director of Odyssey University hired him suddenly without any interview and from that day on he worked here as a professor. Throughout his carrier he never asked for a single promotion and had no issues during strikes or delayed paychecks, he talked less even with his own colleagues, rarely changing greetings.

"So as I was explaining this world came into existence with a huge explosion and according to some,  the forces inside the mother core reacted with one another and that resulted in the explosion and according to some others the disturbance inside the core caused it but be it any reason what resulted after the explosion was the creation of this beautiful universe we thrive in. Therefore by tomorrow, I want an essay on my table regarding any one thing about this universe that you like and I don't want sheets filled with your cravings for Star Wars or Netflix interpretations of Big Bang Theory."

After the bell ranged, he took his tablet and walked towards the exit when he was called by the same boy with glasses who walked towards him, using his walking stick to find his way around. Reaching the Professor, he adjusted his glasses and asked the same question in his usual mellow voice...
"Now that the class is over, would you still not answer my question about the sustenance of  life on other planets."

He was a five foot six. Had black hair and a thin triangular frame covered with a loosely worn white shirt with a red tie wrapping itself around its collars and black pants with a black coat wrapped around his waist. Chiseled chin with little to no beard and two dark eyes with a sharp nose. With an olive complexion and a thinly framed specs around his eyes, he was the exclusive edition of the word 'Nerd'.

Sardonicus looked at him while thinking of the possible reasons as to why the boy had been so interested to know about his beliefs. Did he figure something out? No, that can't even be a possibility worth administering too. He might just be over curious. Humans are after all, a curious race.

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