With a big inhale, that's when he noticed the light signaling. He, along with other strangers, walked off the cement and onto the road to cross the other side until he was back on track to Jimin's house. He didn't have a car even though he could drive – he just didn't feel like driving when he had no motivation for anything in life anymore.

Ten minute walk later, Hoseok found himself at the doorstep of his best friend. He knocked and almost immediately, the door opened, though a cute hand stretched out from the doorway and pulled Hoseok in by the collar. He shrieked in horror at first but now that he was in the house, Hoseok looked at Jimin with slight confusion and annoyance.

"Jimin, what was that about?! I almost died of a heart attack!" Although the act itself was uncalled for, Hoseok already felt happy just by seeing Jimin.

"Okay, I gotta tell you something weird happened yesterday."

And so, that's when Hoseok learned about Jimin having sex with a kid that he still didn't know the name of. But no, Jimin didn't find fucking the (what looked like) underage kid a bit weird God forbid – the thing that made him feel weird was the fact that this kid had called him Daddy.

"He called you Daddy?"

Jimin nodded frantically. "It was so weird! No one's called me Daddy before!"

Hoseok, although finding his little game with people a bit saddening, wanted nothing but the best for Jimin. He was proud, though. With a smirk emerging on his lips, the older boy raised his eyebrows and wrapped an arm around the younger. "Congratulations! You're now an official gay top!"

Jimin was absolutely baffled and hid his face in Hoseok's shoulder. "Shut up! B-But what do I do?" He could hear a bit of the worry surging through his voice. "I don't know how to act like a 'Daddy'."

"Hmmm..." He thought for a little moment. Hoseok definitely knew how to act confident in front of other people. "Okay, here." He gently pushed Jimin away and cleared his throat. Hoseok looked at Jimin from head to toe, ready to give him any positive advice he could. "So here," Hoseok pushed Jimin's chip up a little, "Thankfully this kid is shorter than you so you can assert dominance easier. To do this you should look down on him – but not angrily – just very... lustfully."

Jimin tried soaking in all the info he could. "So here," Hoseok hummed, "They like guys who can take care of them and baby them. Anyone who wants a Daddy want a man who can shower them with compliments and, well, you can make their legs shake easily just by being extremely blunt with them, I'm pretty sure. Touch them a lot. It makes them crave for you.  All you gotta do is be yourself though. You're already pretty Daddy material to a teenager." 

Jimin hummed and squirmed in his seat. "O-Okay. I think I get it." Hoseok smiled at the soft side of Jimin. Thankfully it was a side usually only he saw, since no one really cared hard enough to want Jimin so close. That part was sad. Hoseok wanted Jimin to find more love. He needed to know that there were still others in the world who can love him that wasn't Hoseok. Though to shake him out of his thoughts, Jimin then giggled out of nowhere. "I-I'm... I've never been a Daddy before." The look of glee in his eyes were clear; Hoseok could only laugh because it was so cute.

"Agh – tsk, Jimin stop being adorable before I eat you." Jimin covered his face and shoved Hoseok.

"U-Um... By the way... What about that guy you were with?"

"Huh?" Hoseok blinked. "Oh yeah, that guy. Just a one night stand... nothing more."

"Wha- you slept with him?!" Jimin gaped.

"Oh right, I didn't tell you yet." Hoseok smiled awkwardly. "Yeah I slept with him and sucked his blood. But nothing else happened."

"Wow you're such a... B-But Hoseok?" The older vampire hummed in question, "Speaking of that... Y-You should try to find someone." The boy picked his fingernails together with a nervous matter.

Because of this, Hoseok was struck with awe. He would never think Jimin to say something like this... Ever? This was very new to him. "Why, baby?"

"W-Well... Because..." Jimin looked away with his bangs covering his eyes. This was something he did a lot when he was nervous in front of Hoseok. "... I dunno. You need someone? I'm out now so you-you can find someone without troubl—"

"I'm not going to leave you, Jimin, if that's what you're getting at." Hoseok frowned. 

However, Jimin shook his head, eyes still looking away. "N-No I just really think... You look very lonely." 



a bit of jimin and hoseok behind the scenes time in this lil chapter, but dnt worry sope is coming back next chapter 8) 

i love reading your comments so dont forget to share them <3 !

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