chapter 5

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lucy stretched her arms out wide and yawned. the sun was out and shining already, and she rubbed her eyes.

she wasn't woken up this morning. that's odd. usually, atlas flame or celeste will wake lucy.

today, lucy sat up straight all on her own. she cocked her head both ways as if she was about to cross a street. it was all too quiet. all to hear was the light wind swaying the leaves of the trees.

total silence.

lucy was confused. where was everyone? were they playing a game? and what happened to igneel? why did he even come up here?

lucy's mind wandered elsewhere as she slowly stood up. she walked over to the castle and took the handle of the door, yanking it open.


no answer. still, silence. this was so unlike them. "please answer!"

she then tripped on absolutely nothing. she felt the tears rising. "please, guys! come out where ever you are!"

why did she have to be so unlucky?

that's when she noticed a little piece of paper lying on the ground. a note?

she crawled over toward it and snatched it up.

dear lucy,

not again. not another one of these letters. did she kill them?

you're doing well & you will continue to do well. you still have your whole life ahead of you.
everything will be fine
we will meet again someday—

lucy couldn't help but cry. was this a goodbye letter? but what about the others; zerconis, celeste and atlas flame?

she shakily stood up from the ground, the note still in hand. she searched every bit of the castle and there was absolutely nothing.

"please don't be gone. . ."

she ran outside, hoping she'd find them outside waiting for her.

but when she opened the door, nothing changed. the vast green area remained alone and still.

"how could you?. . ."

she was once told by celeste, "if anything were to happen to us, or if we ever wanted to go to earthland; all we need to do is jump. i'll be waiting right there."

so lucy did it. she jumped.

all on her own.

with no one waiting for her.

no one to swoop in and fly her down.

she was by herself now.

lucy hasn't felt so alone in years.

and as lucy was falling, she didn't scream. she stopped crying and wiped away the remaining tears in her eyes. she wasn't going to cry anymore. not over anyone or anything. another loss? she's not having it.

all of a sudden, lucy's world went black.

lucy's eyes opened slightly. she didn't bother to move or see where she was; or bother to even know what happened.

her left hand laid at her side and she balled up her fist. she felt the dirt beneath her.

her eyes widened and she glanced around.

a forest.

the same forest,

when she met zerconis.

Dragon's ChildDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora