Chapter 3: Persistence of Memory

Start from the beginning

“WHY WON’T YOU FIGHT ME?! That’s… that’s what your kind are good for…”

Your heart nearly broke to hear her talk like that. You slowly put your arms around her and hugged her securely, looking up at her.

“Jasper… please, listen to me. I will never hurt you.” You buried your face into her and hugged her tighter. “Not for as long as I live. I promise.”

“Why?” she asked quietly. You looked back up at her.

“You really don’t remember any of it, do you? Because I care about you. I want you to be safe. I want you to be happy. Maybe you don’t remember me… but do you remember her?” You held up your hand to reveal your gemstone. Jasper’s eyes went wide and her jaw trembled.

“No. No, no, you’re lying. I saw you shattered in front of me, thousands of years ago! Or… am I shattered too?”

“No. You’re alive, and you’re healed, and you’re free! Yes. Jaspilite was shattered saving you. A gem who defied her purpose by refusing to shatter anyone, who cared about you enough to give her own life for you. It took more than five thousand years, several lives and deaths, and a near-death experience, but she came back. I’m here, Jasper. It’s me. I came back, and this time I’m here to stay.”

“This is more than I can take in. I want to believe what you’re telling me is true… from what you said, I was here for months last time. A lot must have happened. I want to remember, but… I can’t, and I need to get away from THEM,” she said, pointing to the Crystal Gems with one hand while drying her own tears with the other as she began to calm down. You gently pulled down the arm with which she was pointing and held her hand.

“You can come home and take all the time you need. Get some rest, reflect on things, talk to me when you feel ready, all that.”

“Heh. You think they’re just going to let me walk out of here?”

“Well, yes,” Pearl said.

“Uh, yeah,” Amethyst said.

“Of course,” Garnet said.

“Yeah!” Steven said.

“Yes,” Jasper said. “Wait, why did I say that?”

You began to lead Jasper out by the hand.

“Jasper, one bit of advice,” Garnet called before you stepped out of the room, “your memory may return in time. Try to experience things which might trigger memories.”

Jasper was silent the entire time she was in the car, but she hadn't resisted when you helped her fasten her seatbelt, which you took to be a good sign. When you pulled up in the driveway, you helped Jasper out of the car and let her take a look around.

“Ringing a bell at all?” you asked.

“This place… this place does seem familiar. And I understood that idiom.”

“Well, I guess that’s promising.” You paused when you grasped the doorknob. “Oh, I should warn you, there are a couple of animals in there. They’re domesticated and they’re friendly, so don’t worry.” You opened the door to find Pinky waiting just inside. Seeing Jasper, he tilted his head curiously for a second, then ran and leapt straight into her arms. The large dog looked amusingly small being held by someone so big. “I guess Pinky's glad to see you again!”

“Let me guess, his name was-”

“Your idea, yep.” Pinky licked Jasper’s face.

“He seems nice. This animal is called a… dog, right?”

Crystal Clear Part 2: Familiar Faces (Jasper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now