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Hi there Wattpad people, so I'm gonna try to keep this going... at my best. Lemme know what I need to improve on and what I'm doing good on. Don't worry I'm gonna try to keep my grammar in check during the story. :) Enjoy!

   "...Hi there" Aerion finally said after the awkward pause of her basking in his beauty. He was tanned to perfection. His hair was black in a ceaser cut ,his hazel eyes sparkled with the sunlight coming from the windows on the other side of the room. He wore a simple yellow t-shirt and black distressed jeans. 

"Welcome to 10th Grade History. Im Mr.Davers and this is my classroom, obviuosly. Excuse me this is my first year teaching I'm just trying to settle in and get aqquainted with everythnig." Mr. Davers continued on talking but she eventually lost her intrest when he went into his story about how he became a teacher. She continued on doddling on her journal. 

"Are you new too?" Uriah asked in a whisper leaning towards her sideways. "Uhh, no I was here last year but I didnt finish second semester here." she responded trying to stay quiet so Mr.Davers didn't hear. "Really? Where'd you go?" he quickly asked while the class had a short burst of laughter from one of Mr.Davers joke. "I was homeschooled... family issues rose." Aerion whispered, trying to keep the details to the minimum. She didn't want to start a pity party at the school, although she was sure alot of people had heard about it. Her father was a firefighter after all.

 Several minutes passed and the bell rang, signaling the first passing period. There was a full seven minutes between classes to give students the chance to get books for the next class, use the restroom, socialize, snack, etc.. Aerion packed her journal and writing tools in her backpack and stood from her set as the rest of the class did. She struggled to get through the door with every one of the 30 students from the class trying to through it as well. When she exited the classroom she walked back towards her locker to survey it out since she didnt get the chance to see it when she first walked in the school. She put in her combo : 11.28.13. She frowned. Her locker combo was the day her father died, November 28, 2013. A very odd coincidence, when she opened the locker there was a red envelope sticked to the bottom. She pulled it off, the adhesive was double sided tape. Who ever put it there knew her combo and had some time to put it there. She slid the envelope in the pocket of her blue jeans. 

AerionWhere stories live. Discover now