Chapter 5

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First off I would like to apologize. I haven't updated in a while because I can't really think of anything so here is a really crappy chapter. I'm sorry.

Bellamy POV
I woke up and walked downstairs to find Octavia sitting in the living room watching tv. "O why are you up early?" "Today's cheer try outs and I was too excited. Clarke's trying out today!" "Oh, great the princess." I say sarcastically. "Wait aren't tryouts on the other side of the football field? Does that mean I have to see her?" "Yep!" "Ugh!"
Clarke's POV

The next day went by just like the first one until I got to tryouts. I changed into my workout shorts and T-shirt and walked out onto the football field where I saw the football team practicing on one side. On the other side was a table with Octavia and another girl I don't know and other girls in their own separate groups talking. I sat down on the bleachers and went on my phone waiting for tryouts it start. After about 5 minutes Octavia blew a whistle and told us that we were going to start. There were a few people before me including Fox who was probably a lot better than me. I heard my name and stepped onto the field. The first thing I did was a quick little back tuck and then Ariel, then I did a cartwheel back handspring, and finished off with an Arabian Double Front. (Video up top if you don't know what it is)This earned a lot of whistles and woops from the football players who paused their practice to watch me and a lot of clapping from the other cheerleaders but I didn't care much, I was used to it. I looked over to the football team and noticed Bellamy standing there is shocked with his jaw dropped. I smirked and walk over to the table where Octavia was. "Wow Clarke! I don't even know what half that was. That was amazing!" "Thanks Octavia!" Raven who was already on the cheer team walked over to us. "Damn C! Didn't know those flips were possible! Now I know why you were captain at your old school." I laughed at her reaction."Thanks Rae!" She looked out to the other side of the field and caught Bellamy still standing there staring. "And I think someone agrees." I smirk at him again and quickly turn away flipping my hair on purpose to get my water bottle.

After tryouts me, Octavia, Raven, and Fox walk out to the parking lot together. Octavia stops and turns around to face us. "Oh my god. I totally forgot! My brother is having a party at our house this Friday. Who wants to come?" "Heck Yeah! You know it!" Raven exclaims. "Why not." Fox replies. "Umm I don't know." I've never exactly liked parties. "Oh come on Clarkie! It'll be fun you'll love it!" "I'll think about it." It's Wednesday so I don't really have much time to decide but whatever. "Fine." Octavia agrees. "Here let me see your phone Clarke." I give to her and she puts her number in it. "Now I can text you the time and crap like that." "Okay." Me and Octavia walk over to my motorcycle while Raven and Fox go to their cars. Bellamy has practice for another hour so I'm taking her home. "I still can't get over the fact that you have your own motorcycle. It's so cool!" I chuckle at this. Right after she says that someone puts their hands over my eyes. "Guess who?" I know exactly who it is just by the voice. "Finn!" I turn around and hug him. We've gotten pretty close even though I've only known him for a couple days. "What are you doing here?" "Well I wanted to watch how tryouts where going. You were amazing it there!" "Thanks Finn!" "I'm gonna go get my notebook, I forgot it in my locker." Octavia says. "Okay." She walks off and I turn back to Finn who looks like he's nervous to say something. "You okay Finn?" "Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine. I just wanted to ask you something. I know we haven't known each other for that long at all but I was wondering if you would maybe want to go out to dinner, with me, this Saturday?" "Sure! I'd love to!" "Really?" "Yeah I really like you Finn." "Um, okay. Here's my number." He hands me a piece of paper and then walks away to his car. Just then Octavia walks over to me. "Okay let's get going. Here is your helmet." I hand her my spare that I keep under the seat and put my own helmet on while sitting down. She gets on behind me and we head off while she tells me where her house is. After arriving at my house I get a text from Octavia.

Octavia: New cheer routine. Can you come over tomorrow so I can teach it to you and you can help me demonstrate it at practice Friday? I'll also give you your uniform while you're here.

Clarke: Sure. I have nothing to do and my moms never home so I don't really have to get approval from her

Octavia: Yay! Okay thanks

I put my phone down and head to bed.

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