"Oh good your ready. Only took 45 minutes. New record!" Nash said sarcastically.

"So where we going?" I asked Nash.

"Carnival." He said with a smile.

Nash knew how much I absolutely loved carnivals. Just thinking of having a fun day win Nash ,add me smile.

Maybe I won't be in such a bad mood all day after all.

Well atleast I hope not.

*Skip to carnival*

It took about 1 hour to get to the carnival, well I think was about an hour, I was asleep the whole time. Typical me.

When we got their I looked at the carnival in awe. The rides looked really fun and the sun was setting which made the whole thing look beautiful. Carnivals always look better when it's darker.

We got our tickets and I grabbed Nashs hand and ran to a booth where you play games.

"I bet you I can beat you at this" I said to Nash sounding overly confident.

He scoffed "Think what you want"

It was a game where you had to aim in the middle of this target with a machine that sprays water and the person who gets theirs filled with water first, wins.

We played and we both had our game faces on.

I got a bit of a head start cause Nash was to looking at me and got delayed a bit.

This game is a lot harder then it looks. I didn't think I was that bad at playing games like this.

"Ha ha, I win you and you loose" Nash said sounding like a 5 year old.

I stuck my tongue out and we continued to walk around the carnival.

Nash went to the bathroom and I sat on a bench and waited for him. I just sat down and went through my twitter. It's actually really annoying how most people that tweet me on twitter always say ,'can you ask Nash to follow me?' Like its super annoying.

I felt someone sit beside me but I just stayed focused on my phone.

"Hi" the person beside me, who sounded like a teenage boy, said.

I looked up. He had a lip ring and blue eyes (a/n imagine Luke Hemmings).

He was actually pretty attractive.

I smiled "Hi" I said back.

"I know this is weird for saying this 'cause we just met, but your beautiful"

He said with an Australian accent.

I began to blush. Well if some attractive stranger said that to you, you would blush too so don't judge.

"What's your name, beautiful?" The stranger said. Again, I blushed.

"Skylar." I responded shyly.

"Well my name is Luke" he said.

He put a piece of paper in my hand and smiled.

But before I could open it or even say something, I felt someone yank my hand away. I already knew that it was Nash. I groaned not because I was annoyed, but because he is walking to fast for my liking.

"Jesus Nash, quit walking so fast." I said and we stopped walking. He turned around to face me. He didn't look very happy. I raised my eyebrows.

"I go to the bathroom for 2 minutes and you are already getting your flirt on with someone else?" Nash said.

I just laughed at how stupid it sounded.

"This isn't funny." He said.

"I wasn't 'getting my flirt on with someone else'." I said using air quotations.

"I was simply talking to a guy." I continued.

"Now are we going to continue fighting about something this stupid, or are we going to go enjoy the rest of our night?" I asked while wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Fine." He said and smiled and we went on the Ferris wheel.

Yes I have to admit, it is extremely annoying how over-protective he is.

But I do understand why he wouldn't want me talking to other guys. It's for the same reason I don't like him getting to close to other girls.

It's because we both think that if the other person starts getting to close to another boy or girl, they think that they will break up with them or cheat.

Nobody really wants that. Even if it's just simply saying 'hi' to another guy will get Nash jealous.

But let's hope we don't fight over something as stupid as this again.

A/n yay finally a chapter that isn't that short!

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