Frienships and lessons

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She lay there wondering where she went wrong. What did she say, to make her best friend leave, was it a case of them growing apart, or was it her weirdness that got the better of her. She knew people grew apart and some people are only in your life for short periods of time.

She wondered at what point did a strain get put on their friendship, something happened, almost overnight. And the friendship wasn't the same ever again. She was always very careful about what she said around her friend, never wanting to set her off. There had been certain times when her friend had made her feel bad, caused her to stay awake all hours of the night wondering if it was something wrong that she had been doing.

She used to think her friend understood her, they both came from very similar background and had very similar life stories the similarities where quiet shocking.

She wondered if her friend understood the offensive things that had been said to her, she wondered if she knew what she was saying or if she didn't really care anymore.

She wondered, did her friend ever just feel sorry for her and was that the reason she ever hanged out with her. She wondered if letting her into her life was a bad idea. She had trust issues and knew that people left her after a few years, she wondered if it was all her fault.

She knew that one day it had to end. She always thought it would be on their death bed when one departed the world before the other. She never knew it would be at this point in their lives.

She lay their wondering why everybody left her in the end. Was she not good enough for anyone, and wondered why everyone left her when a better option came along.

She lay their realising how much this moment in her life would be seemlingly unimportant in the future and each of these small what seemed important now moments are only shaping her future ahead .

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