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I didn't know I'd have to discuss this, but I guess I do. -.- Y'all it is very important to be original because no matter what, if you copy, you're bound to get caught. I read a book by someone (I'm not sayin names, but you know who you are) called Ooooooohhh...On The TLC Tip, and the first two chapters were exactly like mine from my Ooooooohhh...On The TLC Tip. Even tho you may think it's okay because you switched around a few words, it's not cool. I spend a lot of time writing my books and I don't appreciate people just going and taking my chapters I spent quality time writing. Now I can't make you stop copying, but I just want you to know how I feel about it. Maybe you really liked the story so much you wanted it to be your own, but no. I guess that's all. Peace, love, and originality..


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