Gimme the sausage! (Scott x Male!Reader)

Start from the beginning

"What did he say?" She asked excitedly.

"He said 'Hey :)'." You smiled to yourself.

"And what did you say?" She smiled.

"Nothing.. OH MY GOD, I FORGOT TO ANSWER!" You screamed. Thankfully your parents are not home.

"FUCKING ANSWER HIM YOU DINGUS!" Delta yelled, as well.

'Hey, Scott :)'

"Is that good?" You asked concerned.

"Yeah, it's hella good." She confirmed.


'What u doing?'

"What do I say??"

"Play it cool, y/n. Play. It. Cool."

'Nothing much. Nothing interesting to do.'

"THAT'S MY BOY! YES! MOMMA LOVES YOU!" Delta yelled proudly.

"Learned from the best!" You winked at her.

'That sucks! Hey, I was wondering.. would u like to come over sometime? I know we haven't talked much, but prolly bcs me and Damien did a lot of rp, but now I'm free'

"It's 'Damiend and I!' and, jesus, were they together?" Delta was slightly offended. "What if he is a fuckboy? Now that his boy toy has left him he's coming to you. Also, woah, he's totally gay."

"I hope it's not the case right now.. What if he will make fun of me actually? What if he's figured out that I'm gay and now he's trying to prank me and humiliate me in front of the whole school?!" You started to panic.

"Fuck no! You said that the guy is handsome but not that bright, I'm surprised he can even write."


'Y/n? U still their?'


'It's okay if u don't wanna'


'I mean I would love to have u over. I wanted that for a while'



"What do I do??" You asked Delta.

"I dunno, tell him to come over or something. I'm really sorry, y/n, love, but I'm tired and tomorrow is a school day. Is that okay if I leave you on your own? I'm pretty sure you can handle yourself just right." Delta pleaded.

"Yeah, sure! It's okay, I think I can do this.. Thanks."

"Nighty nightmare, I love you! You can do this!" You chuckled at her face figure, it was so childish. You greeted her as well and checked your phone.


'I'm sorry, y/n, u prolly now think I'm some kind of dickbag..'

'No, Scott. Sorry, I had to go the bathroom. R u free rn?' You texted him a white lie.


'Ye, why?' He replied.

'Come over' You texted him feeling your heart in your throat.

'If it's too soon or creepy sorry..' You got scared so you texted him this.


'Nonono, thTs fije, Im fettn dressed. Omw'

You chuckled at the text. Then you stoped a moment. This could go either way: you get the sausage or you get reckt. You hope that it's the first choice. You will finally romance someone in real life! You had a few boyfriends over the internet before.

After 20 minutes you heard your doorbell ring. You went downstairs and opened the door to reveal a sweaty Scott that was trying to catch his breath.

"Hi there." You smiled.

"H-hi.. gah... y/n.. gah" Scott replied between gasps.

"Come in." You chuckled.

The two of you went upstairs. You brought him a glass of water and sat down on the floor while he stood on the bed. You thought that you won't scare him away if you keep a small distance.

"So.. y/n." He started.


"Are you.. uh.. into me?" Pretty blunt coming from him. Your heart stopped. "C-cos I am i-into y-you, baby! G-gimme t-the D!" Scott stuttered.

"What?!" You said in shock.

"Sorry! I'm sorry! Damien said that it will work and that you will fall for me instantly, even though you might be straight or something.." Scott said really fast. "He said that it was a magic chant used by greater gods back in the days to make handsome demons  fall for them, and since he's the prince of hell I had to trust him, right? That's what he said.." Scott was a blushing mess and looked like he might also tear up.

"It's okay, dude, don't sweat it." You smiled kindly. "Next time don't trust him that much."

"Did he.. did he say something bad to you?" Scott asked.

"Uh.. no? I never spoke to him." You furrowed your brows.

"No, I mean.. He wrote the texts for me since I... I don't know how to read or write." He chuckled awkwardly.

"No, he didn't say anything bad."

"Thank God.." Scott sighed and relaxed. 

"So.. you're into me, huh?" You said, now cocky because you cand take the lead. Scott blushed instantly he started to stutter, all you could hear was gibberish. You decided that it was enough panic for him so you took his hands into yours. "It's okay. I'm into you as well." You whispered and kissed him.

He wraped his arms around your neck while your hands went for the booty. Scott gasped, making room for you to insert your tongue in his mouth. You had a white night full of hanky panky. You and Scott went to school together, officializing your relationship. Your neck was covered  in subtle hickeys while his neck was covered in blackish-purple bruises while, you marked him as yours.

Finally the dragcon day came and you took Scott with you. The two of you spent a weekend at Delta's house were you had lots of fun and lots of Delta's 'please if fuck, tell me, I prepared a room for you guys, also I wanna record it and keep it as a memory'. Not creepy at all. Thanks to her makeup rad skills and your good looks you won the pageant for drag queens. This was your year, awhhh yeeezz!

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