Why don't you join us?

Start from the beginning

"I've already been falling far too often, cub! I'm done falling. But you will!" With a wild roar he threw himself in your direction. Without hesitation you set the wolf free.

Within seconds you turned into a brown coated predator. You awaited Tony Stark with your jaws wide open, a wild groan and eyes flashing red with anger.

He didn't wear his iron man suit and he didn't stand a chance against you. It took you moments to tackle him down, make him bleed. Now you stood above him, your paws resting on his chest which was raising wildly. Your teeth nearly touched his throat and your warm breath made his skin prickle. He had lost this fight and he knew you would kill him without blinking if he wouldn't surrender.

For a moment you could see his inner war, then he groaned and lowered his eyes. You snorted, then you let go and turned back into a human.

"You really don't like me" , coughed Stark while he stood up and patted the dust of his clothes, "Why?"

You raised your eyebrows in disbelief.

"I did explain it to you multiple times. You're said to be bright. You should be quite aware of the reasons I have for hating you."

Mr. Stark shrug. "I just can't belief you deny my offer just for the lives of a few animals. Our fight is about the common good and not about some individual lives. Even you should understand this."

You gnashed your teeth. "Do you want to fight the wolf again?"

He stumbled back and raised his hands in surrender. "No. Thanks."

"Then stop saying things like this. Who are you to judge whose lives are worth more than others? This animals are not part of the wars the human race fights. They wont be involved. Never. It's not their territory and not their problem. I will never join you", you hissed.

Mr. Stark sighted.

"Well... I did get why you don't want the animals to be involved. But why wont YOU fight for us. Because, if you don't, you're as selfish as you think me to be. Your wolf is still strong enough to withstand a fight with aliens. You could still fight"

You were surprised by this new track he chose to persuade you. His chance of success just raised from zero to at least 75 per cent.

"Now we're talking" , you said, "Do you want to sit down? Coffee?"

He stared at you bewildered. He obviously hadn't expected this rapid change of mind. Not that fast.

"Hmm... Coffee please... Black" , he stammered while he walked across the room and sat down on the (s/c) sofa. You left the living room and entered the kitchen to make Mr. Stark a coffee. Your inner wolf groaned with satisfaction. He loved a good fight and he had won this one without considerable effort. Also, the reason you started the fight was a good one.

Now you had to decide whether to join the Avengers or not. Mr. Stark was right about the selfish thing and you knew it. But you didn't really want to fight at the side of Tony. He still was his egoistic, weak self. Still, humanity could need your powers. Not that you liked the human race. It was a lot like Tony Stark. Selfish, reckless and cruel. Worse than any animal could ever be. But there was this few good ones. And the children.

This was a hard decision and you needed to think about it a bit longer. Lost in thoughts you opened the window and called for your brightest consultant. It only took seconds, then Hades, the raven, entered the room.

"Hello, little friend. How are you doing? Do you want some cookies?" , you whispered, as soon as the bird had landed on your left shoulder.

"Ye, Ma'am! Cookies! I love cookies! I'm doing fine!" , croaked the bird while you gently pet his head.

Smiling, you took some cookies from the cupboard, grabbed the coffee for Mr. Stark and walked back into the livingroom.

Tony Stark already awaited you and stared at the raven in surprise. You handed him his coffee, then you introduced the bird and the man.

"Hades, this is Mister Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man. Mr. Stark, this is Hades, the bright raven" , you said.

"Mr. Stark. Selfish ass hole! Iron Man. Wanna be hero!", croaked Hades. You giggled.

"You're right, little one!" , you whispered into his right ear.

"What did he say?" , asked Mr. Stark. You grinned.

"He said: Hello, Mr. Stark. He's glad to meet you"

"Why you lying?" , croaked Hades giggling, "Shall always say the truth, shan't we?"

"Thank you. I also appreciate meeting you, little bird", said Mr. Stark, then he sipped some of his coffee.

"You're right, Hades. Humans are strange, you know. They don't want to hear the truth. They want to hear what pleases them. That's why this man is still here. He already faced the wolf."

"Why didn't you just kill him? No one would miss him, I'm sure. And we wouldn't have to bother with him. Would have been the best thing to do, wouldn't it." , croaked Hades, suddenly very serious.

"Well, this also is a human thing. You simply don't kill everyone who annoys you. I wouldn't have no problem with killing him, though. I should probably have done this. You're right. But sometimes humanity needs him. And he is very bright. I don't want to waste his brain" , you giggled quietly.

"Could keep his brain, can't we. Donate it to science" , croaked Hades while he gently brushed your hair with his beak.

"Brains don't work if the body is missing" , you laughed.

"I get the feeling that you're making fun of me. I'd love to understand what this bird is saying" , interrupted Mr. Stark with raised eyebrows. It was well visible that he disliked being ignored.

"I'm glad he doesn't understand what I say" , croaked Hades and nodded with satisfaction, "I love a good secret. But you're right about the brain thing."

"Well, let's get to the serious topic. But first I'd love to know how often this bird threatened to kill me. I'm curious" , said Tony Stark while he placed his cup on the table in front of the sofa. He grinned while he did this and you hated it. He felt so bright again. All egoistic and conceited, as usual.

"Once... or twice..." , you murmured and overthought the brain plan again. Maybe you should give it a try. Maybe no one would notice. No, bad idea. "Back to the serious topic."

"Will you join us?" , asked Mr. Stark straight forward.

"Woooooah. Slow down, old man! I need to thingk about this a bit longer!" , you said and sat down on the sofa too, "This isn't something you just do!"

"Well... I just did it" , said Mr. Stark.

You shrug. You wouldn't just do it. This wasn't how you did things. You always considered every fact and you reflected everything over and over again, until you really could be sure. The only problem was that you actually never could be sure about anything. Unless death.

This is the first chapter of my new Loki x reader fan fictionand I hope you like it. Please keep in mind that I'm not English and due to this my English isn't perfect (I actually don't have no clue how and when to use commas). So many words in this chapter though!

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