Chapter 8: The-Day!

Start from the beginning

"Please do not tell me any work tomorrow ma, you see I am booked for the day." that just landed a pounded on my head. " I needed cash mom, or can I take my card tomorrow?" I wanted to be safe so wanted to the card.

"Whom are you going out with that you want to take your card? Someone special?" She realised it because I had asked her for the first time. "No-no nothing like that. ok you cam give me cash itself."

"Take the card not an issue, but do come early, let today's scene not repeat tomorrow ok. and good you did not bluntly utter anything at your dad." I nodded and left her room. My mom was cool enough. I am free to tell anything and that made it easy for her to understand even my silence at times. I was happy, she was the solace at home.

I plugged in myself for some good music and tried to decide upon what to do.

The excitment and nervousness together had seized my brain. I knew no places nor did I know what would impress a girl. Asking Tanmay for suggestions was a bad idea and no one other than Payal could help with this. But I did not want to ask for any help. I decided to take her to a place and just prayed she would have fun. I sighed and took my phone to set an alarm just so that I don't make her wait. 

After a while, my phone buzzed and a message from her made me smile at her being for being crazy.

" I still am not coming on a date with you. You need to earn the chance for it. Good night."

I knew I had already earned it. I smiled at it and closed my eyes.

The next morning I woke up early and got ready. Properly set hair, a well pressed shirt and a pant with appropriate boots made me presentable. I looked into the mirror more than the usual only to make sure I was ok and my hair was fine. I was obsessed about my hair and I needed it to be perfect because it never did and that used to get me slightly worked up. May be this was not normal to many but for me my hair had to b proper.

         I left home at 10. I needed about half an hour to reach the temple she had told with the Bangalore traffic, but I didn't want to be late by any chance. It was the first time I was going alone to meet a girl or spend time with a girl. I had no clue whether to go with empty hands or take her some chocolates. I had decided flowers were a big no thinking that would make it over the top. So on the way I bought a dark chocolate because I knew nothing about chocolates either. I liked those and hence bought them. How bad was I at all these!

It was about 10.40 when I reached the temple . I spent the next ten minutes constantly looking at my watch for every minute. It so happens that when you wait for someone, time tends to tick slow. And this was getting onto my nerves. Couldn't she atleast come early? I was expecting a lot now I knew! Checking myself in the mirror every now and then, trying to beat the shiver I realised how long a single minute could be. Trying to figure out how to start the conversation or to make the move I had lost all focus. This nervousness was unbeatable. Never had I felt this before.

It was five minutes to 11 and at distant i could see a girl walking towards the temple. That did make me hysterical. As she became more clearly visible, my heart just missed a beat and all i knew at that moment was that I was sweating and was completely unaware of what to do. She was in a normal jean and grey top that defined her features properly. This was the first ever time I had seen a girl this way, but it seemed different and I did not want to pull in any weird thoughts. She looked simple but her innoscent face made her matchless. As she headed towards me, her face was lit up with her smile and that had my eyes glued at her face, in precise her eyes that had the glint in it. She now stood in front of me and i knew I was on cloud nine.

"A-aah! Hello." my voice definitely depicted my tingle. I did want to forward my hand but was scared to do so. Knowing her, she would have cut me with another punch right at that moment. I did not want to make a fool out of myself. Like always she bent her face and giggled listening to my quivering voice. Seeing that I moved my face away and smiled at my stupidity. "Hey! you need not be that scared also. Relax" She made the move to give a handshake. I smiled at her and shook her hand. Her hands were as soft as fur and that set cold shivers within me. All this was new to me and i must say, she was bold. 

"Well! This is for you. I know nothing as to what you like or what you prefer. Hope you like this." I handed the chocolate to her. "Not bad, you definitely are smart and know how to start off. I agree your a turtle by nature but anyway thank you for that!". She seemed happy at it and that was all i needed. The "turtle" i had not understood but did not bother to ask it either. "Shall we first visit the temple before we start our day? Not too spiritual and all, just for a good start." She was keen on a good start. I had tuned myself for selective hearing I guess, the good start was doing the rounds in my head. Confidence level was incrementing but the shiver had not subsided. "After you madame! I have no issues" I moved side and aligned my hands towards the entrance. "Nice!" she nodded and walked. I followed her behind. Temple was a foreign entity to me, now i just wanted to accompany her. We had a flight of stairs to cover. I did not know what to talk, For the first time i wanted to hold her hands and walk up. I was scared to do so. I did not want to give any wrong impression. She walked front and i walked a step behing her. Usually girls prefer not to wear jean when they visit a temple. She was not like others. She had something different than others. 

"Why are you walking behind me? Neither am I a celebrity nor are you my bouncer, come along. I don't realise why are you so shy" and that was followed by her famous laugh. "A-ah well, that is because never have i been out without my friends and that too with a girl, its something new to me." I put it out staright and she smled and said " don't worry its new to me also, just that i am like this only talkative and i need very less time to gel up. By the end of the day you would know that" she proudly grinned and we entered. My prayers were for less than a second and I turned towards her. She was kneeling down and deeply lost in her prayers. She was a lethal combination of chirpiness and silence. Atleast her face said so. She looked cute and i stood staring at her innoscence. She was carving an image in my heart. She got up and caught me staring, i wavered my face in a jiff, she smiled at it and said " We will now go where you wnated to go to. chalo "  I nodded and moved out with her. The next part of the day definitely something great and special.


mynote : sorry for the delay in update, will post the next ones quicker. hope u njoy readin it. Do vote and comment your views!

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